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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy

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  1. Many thanks..........why is it everything on these cars is such a cow son to get to ? I have just had to change the gear selector cables a very tedious and time consuming job ! :lol:
  2. being a bit of a numpty when it comes to all things mechanical i need some help from somebody more blessed in that department than i !. My reversing lights come on when i engage into gear but go out as soon as i take my hand fron the gear stick. If i then push back on the gear stick the lights come back on again. Obviously there is something no quite connecting but i cannot find where it is :huh: so any help would be appreciated....many thanks
  3. many thanks have it all stripped down(fingers crossed i can get it all back with no bits left over!) will have a crack at fitting over the weekend
  4. can any one help me ? i am not too blessed in the mechanical sense but have had problems with my manual galaxy i can only engage third and fourth gears i managed to locate that it was a ball joint on the cable that had slipped out i managed to put that back in(what a cow son of a job !) unfortunately it only lasted three days before popping out again(thankfully have not re-assembled everything inside the car yet!) obviously after reading previous posts it looks like the only option is to replace the cable does anyone know either a part number for this cable or the exact name of what it is called ? thanks in advance
  5. had the same problem and it seemed to happen on an all too regular basis even after clearing out the water drains. solved it by placing an old bic pen casing into the drain plug and leaving it there had no probs in over a year now
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