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About mark1rev

  • Birthday 03/22/1970

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 2.3 glx

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  • Gender
  • Location
    near portsmouth

mark1rev's Achievements


Member (2/8)



  1. hello all i have a 1999 2.3, the oil tentioner broke engine still runs but getting very rattly.phoned fords for part its
  2. hello can anyone tell me how to remove the dip stik holder please its on a 2.3 galaxy
  3. :D any 1 know of a good machanic in or around portsmouth ? as im after someone to do my chain tensioner and guides on my 2.3 gal. or someone who would help me do it for cash ? the haines manual sounds easy enough but i would rather have some help as im not to sure thanks
  4. update -- oil lights been off all week only came on again yesterday still for about 2 min
  5. do the tentioners go where the oil is ? i thouht the chain and tentioners were seprate ie on outside of engine
  6. what do these cam blades do ?
  7. hi all have been having problems with my 2.3 gal, oil pressure light keep coming on, yesterday removed sump to clean pick up tube and there was plastiky sort of bits in the oil pick up hole ? looks like its broke off somewere in engine .when i replaced sump and started it up oil light was still on and realy rattling then after about a min light went off and engine was very quiet . it seems to do this and a couple of times a day. the only other thing that it was doing before was a rattling chain noise but now this seems to have gone. other than that it still drives ok when light goes out and is no more rattling chain
  8. hi has any 1 got a picture of how the cam chain and tentioner goe s on a 2.3 gal as i might atempt to change as its still rattling thanks
  9. hi all just had mot and its got some advisories on, this is whats on it measurements: rbt park brake efficiency : 17% advisory item: parking brake your vehicle has only just met the required park brake efficiency. it would appear that the braking system requires ajustment or repair.. how would i go about checking rear brakes and fixing ? the hand brake lever only comes up about 1"
  10. hi is it easy to replace the cam chain tentioner on a 2.3 galaxy , as mines still rattling and i would like to try and replace tentioner myself. i have looked at haynes manual but its not realy clear to what i should do? the manual sais about jacking engine up is this normal ? thanks
  11. hello every 1 and a happy new year, changed my battery today as old 1 kept loosing charge, when i put new 1 in and started it just starts then cuts out if i keep my foot on accelerater it keeps going but wont tickover ? i disconected it again for 30 min then tried again but still the same, it drives but wont iddle. im thinking of cleaning the idle control valve but would it be this as i only swopped the battery over ?
  12. hi i have the same problem, the garage said do a oil flush then new thicker oil and a top end treatment, cost me
  13. hello i have a 2.3 gal 1999 its started to make a rattling noise from top of engine at the chain end, i have had the oil flushed out, new oil and a top end traetment put in. it sounds like the chain is going loose then tight but other than that its still running good. is it easy to change the tentioner and is it up the top of engine ? the tentioner is
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