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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    53 Galaxy Ghia TDi
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    South West

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    Bridgend,South Wales

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  1. If it helps and there is the demand I've also got a cable that could be rented for the same fees as earlier, If anyone is interested
  2. Hi Mirez, In south Wales, just outside Cardiff mate, It'll probabaly be next week now before I go looking for the sender, but car due for service so may ask then when they got it up on the ramps if I can have a quick look and poke around :rolleyes:
  3. Hummmm, if the senders in place then it'll be wired and since it only go's to the cluster then it should have just worked so I would suggest its unlikely you have the sensor. On the plus the sump is a doddle to change on these :D Where abouts in the SW are you?
  4. Ahh Well won't bother with trying to de-code the rest then! really just wondering what else could have been moded, had to code out the oil temp gauge 'cos at the mo I can't be arsed to change the sump! :rolleyes: That and I haven't checked yet to see if the oil temp sender is there(if it is then I'll run the wiring in) as I haven't had to go under the car for anything yet,but whilst looking in work on ETIS Ford reckon there is an oil temp sender already there, just need to check I was looking at the diesal and not the V6 a job for tommorrow me thinks!, and the sumps with the sender unit seem to be over priced, as I work for uncle henry(FORD that is not a dealer)might be cheaper to get a new one(posh git ini)LOL, Thanks for the info though. Oh by the way if any body is interested and your not to far away I have a FORD VCM(Dealer diagnostic) at my disposal for diagnostics
  5. I've done the usual with it, i.e distance to empty, illuminated needles, etc, etc, was just wondering what if anything else can be done and what info the HEX actually stores,got most of the info regarding the clock upgrades and the soft coding formula to activate/de-activate certtain features like seat belt warning, 'cos I had to code out the oil temprature gauge which isn't fitted yet! From what I've seen using XVI32 the hex dump from the cluster contains the cars VIN number, so out of curiosity was wondering what else is in there and what it does?
  6. This is just purely for my own curiosity, what program do you need to be able to read the EEPROM dump from ya cluster, or is there another way to read the info contained in the HEX?
  7. Cheers! will do, it's gotta be easier than trying to read the Ford/VW wiring diagrams! LOL
  8. Mirez you are a star!! Thanks for that info! I am just outside Cardiff, Bridgend, I think southwest was about as close as i could get when i joined. Great site by the way!! Once again thanks, will hopefully have them fitted when i'm next on my days off about a fortnight LOL
  9. Mirez, Yes it is a UK MK2, By the way do you know which fuse covers the mirrors?nothing in the owners guide about a fuse? Stupid boy I really need to read tings properly! Sorry! Thanks again
  10. Cheers Mirez, so I take it I just run in the power fold wiring? When I was testing the 361 relay it automaticlly folded the mirrors when it loses the 12v supply, so that should be automatic when they are finally fitted. Do you ignore the existing wiring or just run the power fold wiring in? Only reason I ask is I've got both door looms from the Alhambra the mirrors came off so was toying with the idea of running the wiring into the boot using the loom pins as the mirror wiring has been removed from the looms so have all pins to connect to the door-bodywork through the boot to make a better job(so it looks original too :rolleyes: )or is there an easier way that I haven't thought of? Thanks for Info !! Sorry If I've repeated myself but just trying to get this clear in my head before I attack the car! Dave
  11. OOPPPSSS! Sorry should have said am trying to retro-fit the mirrors to a 53plate 1.9TDi Galaxy Ghia, have got the relay to control the mirrors (i.e enable the powerfold option) but was hoping to just swap the relays over and only have to wire in the power fold function. Any suggestions?
  12. Here we go then, have spent the last few days looking for the mirror control relay, which according to the lying handbook should be in position 1&2, had a look and low no relay!(theres absolutely nothing there just 2 blank holes!!), then checked with VW who said the same thing should be in position 1&2 on the fuse box relay location, so the question is :- Is there a seperate relay for the wing mirrors? and if there is where the hell is it? Have new relay 361 for the sharan mirrors which when fitted should enable the mirrors to fold in when the central locking is activated, and fold out when the central locking is de-activated, have had the mirrors on a bench all wired up to the relay, so know they are working okay, was hoping to change the relay and maybe have to run 2 wires up to mirror control switch, to enable the fold option, but can't find the freaking relay!! Or is the mirror adjustment part of the GEM unit? any help anyone?
  13. With what radio? Aftermarket JVC or is this one of those things that will only work with a VW radio?
  14. it's on the right hand side of the gearbox as you look at the engine with the bonnet up(i.e your stood in front of grill)not too far from the reversing switch I think but i'm not 100% but is around that area towards the left wing, if thats any help! Good Luck
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