Maz, Luckily we have only had the dreaded nits once, about 6 mths ago. I was fortunate to catch it very early on as i had been forewarned by our daughters friend's mum that they were lurking in the classroom! I combed every day for a week and used 'lyclear' once and thankfully they were eradicated and haven't shown their ugly faces since! Just as a precaution we made her go to school with hair tied back until she decided she would rather have it cut shorter. I was not impressed by the school though who took weeks to put up posters in classrooms to bring it to the attention of parents, by which time of course it was around the whole school, did feel sorry for the teachers though, must be awful working closely with kids that you know have them had to laugh when her teacher suddenly started wearing her hair up!! Now i just check weekly which she doesn't mind - must be a nightmare with three though, don't envy you that task!!! Got to go and have a good scratch now, feel itchy just thinking about it ^_^ kj xx