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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bowman

  1. garage damaged the thread on my wheel bolt holes does anyone know exact size so i can get a die to clean up the thred i have tried 14 mm fine thread but didn't line up on my ford galaxy 2.0 aspen 1997 thanks
  2. going to buy these Sony XSF1734 17cm diameter http://www.lowcostcaraudio.co.uk/shop.php?...2F&product=1178 does eny one know if they fit ok in doors front and back galaxy mk 1 thanks bowman
  3. bought one off these kids love it does eny one know how easy it is to fit 7 inch screens into head rests and how to do it thanks bowman :(
  4. thanks will look at it 2 morrow
  5. hi all back speaker was not working on right hand side to took a look , removed round plastic conector in centre panel wire was broken fixed wire round part in panel has fallen in how do i remove the panel in between front and back door where the front seat belt is conected thanks bow
  6. phoned garage this morning he said there is no remote on the key but has a ford immobilizer :huh:
  7. hi all just bought a galaxy aspen 2 litre petrol 1996 p reg not shure which model it has got elec windows , air con have doen a serch cant find if my model has got remote in the key eny help before i get the car on thursday thanks bowman
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