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Everything posted by Stickman

  1. Thank you both for the pointers since i made the post i noticed now that the one touch window button has stopped working it still brings the window down but you have to hold the button could this be conected to the same wiring loom as the double lock wire?
  2. Evening all, My central locking still works from the key remote but the double locking has stopped working i did the alarm test and found that the drivers door doesnt beep under test can anyone tell me what the problem might be?? Thanks in advance. Jamie
  3. For those who might get the same problem my mate found the pipe running in the roof space and at the column the pipe has a join and that had come apart and was a simple push it back together job,so i've got water to my rear screen now and not in the car. :-)
  4. Bought a pair of those speakers yesterday and the mat stuff and the adaptor ring and i've got to say i can't wait to get a pair in the back cause the front sounds awesome.
  5. I've had a look and now have found that water is leaking from the roof down the centre door colum i take it the pipe runs in the roof space then,does anyone know if this is an easy job to get the interior panel/roof bit off? Thanks in advance.
  6. Cool,just found the ones you have and they look good thanks again for all the info.
  7. Thanks for the great advice Martin one more question springs to mind are the rear door speakers 6x9 too?
  8. How easy is it to find the NRV as i can only see the top of the washer bottle is this a 'get under the car' job?
  9. Martin what were the depths of the speakers as i've found some on eBay for
  10. Thanks Martin, Has been a great help for me as my drivers door speaker blew yesterday so looks like new front speakers for me and like you i think i'll do all four so at least i know they will all be rockin when i play Iron Maiden at full tilt.
  11. Are the panels easy to take off on the front doors to get to the speakers?
  12. If i double lock the hazzards flash but under normal locking with the remote nothing flashes.
  13. Nice one thanks for that i bought part synthetic as full synthetic is well expensive.
  14. I have an 1.8 Verona and was told which engine oil to buy but can't remember it's not standard 15w 30 or something like that can anyone help? Ta muchly.
  15. I have found there is also a vibrating noise that comes from the boot around the window area/plastic surround. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v608/Stickman1984/StopThat1.jpg
  16. Thanks gents for the info :huh:
  17. Under the stereo in my 1996 Verona there is a space about the size of a stereo with plastic fins or something like that,does anyone know what is ment to be in there?
  18. I found the Hendy Fords i used in Marchwood near Southampton to be very helpful in sorting my Mondeo out as the garage i bought it from were useless the only thing i didnt go for was the 6 or 7 point test they do and then say this is wrong and that is wrong putting most things in the red on the colour chart.
  19. Following tons of advice from this site i have got my key fob working the central locking i have also done the test to find if the triggers are working on the doors and boot etc. My question is after finding all these things working is the car ment to sound the horn and hazzards flash when you activate the central locking from the key fob as mine does not.
  20. Following my recent experience with my Verona if had trouble with the hot/cold control and had to strip the center console out etc and found that the hot/cold control was cable/bar driven so im guessing here that the direction dial might be the same.
  21. My car has spent some time at Hendy Ford's in Marchwood near Southampton and finally they found 2 problems,1st being a split t-piece pipe and 2nd a blown gasket to do with the idle control valve. They have fixed all the problems and the garage i bought the car from paid the bill and now the car works better that ever now so thanks you guys for all your advice.
  22. Suprise suprise the car isnt fixed it has been at the garage for 2 days and it still has no tick over,the garage owner said the manifold gasket was changed to help keep the pressure he said yeaterday he would get a new sensor or valve thing cant remember which and he hasnt so it's off to a different garage to get fixed once and for all.
  23. I got a call from my mate who has taken my car to a different garage to see what he can find out he has done the diagnostics check and it came up with Code 327 Exhaust pressure etc,so he looked over it and found the manifold blowing which as you have mentioned would be a cause of the 'No tick over'. So it's gone back to the garage and they have informed me that they will fit a new manifold gasket. So hopefully this will be the end of it as i have now been back to the garage 5 times for this. Thanks for all the advice you guys have given i'll let you know if they fix it.
  24. Thanks very much James i'll take a look this weekend and let you know.
  25. Evening all im new here but have found some advice very useful on the key fob trouble i had,and now im having trouble with tick over i bought the car second hand nearly 2 weeks ago and it's been back to the garage 4 times each time the guy says it's fixed today it went in to be fixed once and for all and suprise suprise they havent fixed it. Does anyone know what the problem might be, it starts when i start up the engine revs and then drops off i try pumping the pedal a couple of times and then start up but still nothing. It's a P reg Verona 1.8. Any suggestions? Thanks
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