Hi, I am new to the forum so please bear with me!!! I have a 2005 1.9 TDI auto galaxy (110, I think) with power steering problem. There is a shuddering and screeching sound when the car is stationary and manoeuvring the wheel in either direction and heavy, the shuddering and screeching is also present when manoeuvring slowly around corners. The engine also sounds louder with a squeak every so often when the handbrake is on and the car is in the drive position. We have had the struts, bushes and power steering pump replaced, power steering fluid was also checked / replaced, this improved the drive of the car slightly however the problem still persists and is rapidly getting worse. We have not had any warnings from the system on the dash that the car is showing a fault. Our mechanic who we have used for sometime on our other (older) car with no problems has not left me feeling very confident as he sought the advice of another mechanic to verify the problem (replacement of pump), this was however after the car had had the bushes and struts replaced as he advised this was the problem causing the noise the first time round. We didn't think anything of our mechanic seeking a second opinion as we presumed he was just being thorough, this being the second time the car having to go into the garage for the same problem, however after the replacement we were advised that if the pump did not fix the problem then we would require a new steering column, which would be very expensive !!!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks