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Everything posted by rusper

  1. OK thanks to all and especialy silverbeast. All now mended a blob of solder and an inch of heatshrink. Just outside of the multi (3way) connector on the engine/battery fuse block, looks as though the insulation had cracked and the conductor corroded away due to moisture ingress. This was on the red/black wire as silverbeast said. I wonder what the local Ford dealer would have charged? Thanks again Brian
  2. That's great Mr Beast, will look tomorrow, I checked the fuse was OK but will check for corrosion. Due to the slowish onset of the problem it may well be the dreaded wire rot. I will report back. Brian
  3. Next report, due to the fact that I realy need the car to transport my two dogs around I have rigged a temporary supply from the big red wire via a 5 Amp fuse to C7/7 now all working. I would still like to find the real fault so that I can do a propper repair, but at least I have the car to use for now. Thanks to everyone that gave their time to help me. PS found the splice in the passenger foot well area, seems that the wires are presure welded not just twisted, but not a good solution to the problem, how they got that past the German QA team beats me! Was OK so re-taped it. Brian
  4. OK, looked at the car, red with black tracer. Any help finding where the power should come from would be welcome. Brian
  5. Oops, a further look at the circuit board now makes me think that the "computer" power supply actualy should be on C7 Pin 7 not pin 8. I have not had a chance to look at the car yet. Brian
  6. Food for thought there then. will try to dig further tomorrow. Thank you for the help. I will let you know how it goes. Brian
  7. So the big white wire at the right end of the top connector on the right below the big red wire.
  8. That would be C7 then The P3 is molded on the cover......I don't think Haines gives a cross reference of the C numbers... not the best manual I have ever seen. Brian
  9. Ah leak in passeger foot well! yes thinking back to when I first got the car about 4 years ago I did have the dreded leak from the rear washer pipe join I will have a look tomorrow. There seem to be white cables around the headlight controls. Screen heaters are another of the things not working. Fingers crossed fot the joint in the passenger footwell. Brian
  10. Yes I checked those fuses as well but none of those wires are white so there must be a junction somewhere I realy don't want to have to remove the dashboard to trace the loom back. Brian
  11. I think it is called the central electronic unit and it lives as part of the fuse panel at the right end of the front panel under the dash board... above the drivers right foot. Brian
  12. OK on the TIS but was hoping to save the couple of days it will take to get it. Will it run on Windows 7? Brian
  13. Thanks silverbeast, I have cheked all the fuses in the passenger fuse panel all ok but no 12V at the connector that seems to supply the power for the "computer". Do you have a wiring diagram or know where I could find one? Brian
  14. Thanks for the reply BHBOBHILL. Are you saying the power supply for the central electronic unit comes through the drivers door? Brian
  15. Hi all, I have a '04 diesel zetech Galaxy. About 3 weeks ago it started to intermittently fail to lock or unlock from the remote key, this last weekend I parked it up for 2 days yesterday when I went to drive it the indicators failed to work. Also I had to unlock the drivers door to get in allother doors remained locked. Other things not working include interior lights and hazard flashers. After a bit of investigation I seem to have lost a power supply to pin 8 on connector P3 on the electronic unit. Now for the Bit where I need help....where does this wire (plain White) get its power from? and the most likely place for it to have failed. I only have the Haines manual and as far as I can see this wire is not in the diagams at all. Thanks for any help. Brian
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