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About kawasaki-krazy

  • Birthday 09/11/1958

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  • Vehicle Type
    Very old Galaxy
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  • Location
    aberdeenshire - ish

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Member (2/8)



  1. I haven't given up on the idea yet and if I'm successfull I will certainly post it back here. KK
  2. Thanks for the replies guys Now you see I understand the things you mention, and most of them can be repaired (more often than not) on the side of the road. (I can do these things, myself, in my own garage.) If a sensor goes....then the thing stops (more often than not) and Frauds want megabucks to get you going again. The thing with all this, is the fact that all these extras cost money. I also have an Escort with a faulty MAF sensor and just checked the price today from a Fraud dealer .........
  3. Hi Guys (&Gals). I have quite a lot of work to do to my '95 1.9 turbo diesel Galaxy (New turbo, Timing belt, gear selector cables and an oil leak from some unknown location). Since I do not have any access to a garage, I was wondering how difficult it would be to take the engine right out of the car to work on it in (relative) comfort in the shed. Has anyone removed and engine/gearbox on one of these and is there anything special to watch out for. Since my turbo blew up ( http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=12352 ) I've decided that whilst its off the road its going to get a thorough makeover and get all those annoying little jobs done before its put backon the road. KK
  4. Many thanks for that i still have 2 months left on the ford warranty best i get along to my local dealer and get them to sort it. thanks again Seem to remember someone saying that fraud stealers regard these links as wear & tear and therefore weren't covered under warranty. ( but I could be wrong) KK
  5. I promise I'll be good
  6. And just what is considered naughty?
  7. Thanks El Dingo. If its jogged even one person into action and saved their tubo then its been worth posting. There are probably a lot who may have read this and realised that its been a while since they looked under the bonnet. Hope its helped someone. By the way, What does 'warn 0%' mean in my profile here on the left of the page? KK
  8. Yeah, on the upside, I needed a vehicle to get the wife to work on Monday, (I normally use my bike but she won't let me buy her a scooter) so through a stroke of luck I managed to pick up a very nice little Escort 1.8 ghia today, (for less than the price of a new turbo) which means I can take my time with the Galaxy, maybe find a scrapper to rob some bits from or maybe find one on ebay now. Galaxy - sense of humour. Tends to wear a bit thin after a while. :lol: KK
  9. Thats it...........kick a man when he's down. Thanks for the sympathy and warm words to ease my pain guys. http://webpages.charter.net/connectingzone/nature/10.gif it never rains.......... KK
  10. Check your oil that is.... Sad tale of poor maintenance. Car failed its MOT on track rod end, drop links (get me every time on these) and unequal brake effort. Gets all the parts, nice easy fix this time I thought. Replaced all the parts without any drama's and took the old Gal out to bed the new brake pads in. All's well with the world. Applied the brakes quite hard and the car stopped in a nice straight line. Great I thought, get it booked in for a retest. On setting off again, heard a whining noise suddenly start, sounded like something had maybe broken loose and was touching a toothed belt or something, so stopped and had a look but couldn't see anything and drove back home trying to identify what the problem was. The whining didn't seem to fluctuate with the engine noise but sort of floated about depending on where the throttle was. It began to dawn on me that it was the turbo, so as soon as I got home I checked the oil. Looks like I needed a longer dipstick as this one doesn't reach the oil anymore!!!! Thing is, at least what I assume has happened is, when I stopped quick, the oil has gone forward in the sump and left the oil pickup pipe for the turbo, dry. Instant dead turbo!!!! I can only say in my defence that the weather up here has been terrible and I just haven't got round to checking it. SO.......DO IT NOW. If you need any more convincing, Ford has quoted me
  11. Yep..........Believe it or not .......its actually YOU thats giving the car a shock, NOT the other way around. The static builds up in your body ( because you're insulated from the 'ground' (earth)) whilst you're sat in the car. Try wearing natural fibres instead of man-made materials and hey presto, no more shocks. KK
  12. Thanks dave_m. Much clearer now KK
  13. So............. does anybody know which models will be affected by the budget measures today :D KK :D :D
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