Check your oil that is.... Sad tale of poor maintenance. Car failed its MOT on track rod end, drop links (get me every time on these) and unequal brake effort. Gets all the parts, nice easy fix this time I thought. Replaced all the parts without any drama's and took the old Gal out to bed the new brake pads in. All's well with the world. Applied the brakes quite hard and the car stopped in a nice straight line. Great I thought, get it booked in for a retest. On setting off again, heard a whining noise suddenly start, sounded like something had maybe broken loose and was touching a toothed belt or something, so stopped and had a look but couldn't see anything and drove back home trying to identify what the problem was. The whining didn't seem to fluctuate with the engine noise but sort of floated about depending on where the throttle was. It began to dawn on me that it was the turbo, so as soon as I got home I checked the oil. Looks like I needed a longer dipstick as this one doesn't reach the oil anymore!!!! Thing is, at least what I assume has happened is, when I stopped quick, the oil has gone forward in the sump and left the oil pickup pipe for the turbo, dry. Instant dead turbo!!!! I can only say in my defence that the weather up here has been terrible and I just haven't got round to checking it. SO.......DO IT NOW. If you need any more convincing, Ford has quoted me