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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by seveer

  1. Didn't think of going to the VW dealer ... ordered it from Ford -
  2. WAHEY ... IT LIVES !! Found relay 30 and removed it ... re-fitted it and 'hey presto' the old girl started. Off to the local Ford dealer now to buy a replacement. Thank you very much for your help.
  3. Hi, Thanks for the reply. Would a faulty relay 30 cause the immobiliser light to flash continuously or affect the immobiliser in any way? I've just been out to try it again and it still isn't working ... engine turning over, immobiliser light flashing away and nothing else. Thanks
  4. Hello all, I've got a bit of a problem with my X reg 2001 Galaxy 2.3 petrol which I am hoping someone could shed some light on. A few months ago it gave up starting, turning over but not starting ... I tried a few silly little things to get it to start which really amounted to no more than sneaking up on it and try to take it by surprise but funily enough nothing worked. So I locked it up and gave in for the night, next morning tried it again and it started first time ... marvelous, ran it for another week or so without problem and then the same thing happened again, this time I noticed the immobilser light was flashing on the drivers door and assumed that there was a fault with that and contacted my local Ford dealer to have it diagnosed. They wanted
  5. Hi, Both the drivers and passenger door locks have failed on my Mk1 Galaxy(To be honest, the passenger lock hasn't worked for quite sometime)so we are having to use the tailgate to unlock the car. I'm going to have a go at getting to the lock on the passenger door this weekend to see if I can see what has failed and I was wondering if anyone has had this problem and could give me a few pointers / do's & don'ts before I take the door apart. Cheers
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