Okay well it went into the garage this week. This is what was wrong:- Electric coolant pump leaking (top of engine). Thermostat housing cracked. Radiator leaking at bottom and evaporating. So all replaced. Engine still gets upto "m" (of N O R M )on very steep hills - should it do? Coolant is no longer leaking and I am not losing any. I also arranged for a gearbox oil change. Put some Lucas additive in . Lots of yucky gearbox oil came out. Then on driving gearbox was banging, slipping, huge problems. I was convinced that the gearbox oil was nto high enough. So went back in. Drained gearbox again - lots of dirt came out. Also it would have taken the Lucas additive out. Put just gearbox oil back in (Dexron III) and it is like a new car. Geabox is wonderful and smooth, no slippage, no problems at all. So the Lucas additive that was very thick I think caused a problem. So we have noticed I have a leak on the head (oil dripping from back of head on air fliter side). Suspect head will have to come off. There is no loss of coolant and there is no exhaust gases in the coolant. Having to top up about half a litre per 1000 miles, so not a huge leak. How much do you reckon for the head being done (gasket skimming, etc)? Many thanks Andy