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    Focus 1.8 Zetec
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  1. Well put a second hand PCM on it and had it keycoded and its still the same, really runing out of ideas and things to try now anyone with any suggestions? cheers
  2. Well if its in the same place as my 54 plate then its under the inlet manifold
  3. Oh and changed fuel filter aswell
  4. Thanks for the reply its petrol engine sorry forgot to mention that, ok heres the latest with this problem read just about everything realated to this problem but all suggestions have not worked for me list of what i have changed below Plugs HT leads Coil pack MAf sensor ICV sensor Injectors and rail Hose at back of inlet manifold and still got these problems Erratic idle, stalling when braking, lack of power got a mate to hook his scanner and its coming back with a missfire on 1 and 3 cylinders compression test we ran was ok, any ideas as to what could be causing this? cheers for any insights
  5. Hi there, I have a 1.8 Focus zetec on a 54 plate and for the last few days or so it stalls when i stop at a red light,at junctions and it seems like it wants to stall when I start the car. Now the engine management light has come on but then goes off after a while any ideas what could be causing this problem? thanks for any suggestions
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