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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About stanstag

  • Birthday 01/21/1978

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 2.8 V6
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    East Midlands

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Member (2/8)



  1. No I hadn't seen it working. Got it from used parts place who told me it was working. It worth plumping for a new one then you think? Non of the sensors are working, front or back so I can't see it being them that are dodgy. Where is this washer pipe? I can't see it in the well under the seat?
  2. Yeah it was a working second hand module. Why would it not work on another vehicle? What's U/S by the way?
  3. Hi again. So I exchanged my parking sensor module and now the thing makes no noise at all! With the old module in the light on the switch flashed and it bleeped for a few seconds. With the replacement module in there is no light and no noise. Any ideas what the problem could be? Could it be anything other than the module?
  4. Thanks for that. No wetness under the seat but I've ordered a replacement module anyway so hope it sorts it!
  5. Hi all. Hope someone can help me with this because these parking sensors are essential for my wife! When I switch the sensor on it bleeps once then continuously bleeps for 3 or 4 seconds then stops. The light on the switch then flashes. Any ideas?
  6. Hi, anyone know the service intervals for a 2002 V6 Galaxy? It currently has 89k on the clock.
  7. Great idea, I'll give it a go! Any idea what could be wrong back there? Is there a bulb that could have blown?
  8. I presume the clock should illuminate?
  9. I have both swivel seats and heated seats in my 2002 V6.
  10. Never thought to do a search! I presume the clock should illuminate? I've not had it long and it's never lit up while I've had it.
  11. I've got a 2002 V6 Galaxy. Anyone know how to remove the clock on the top of the dashboard? Mine doesn't illuminate and I presume it should so need to remove it. It feel quite loose as if it should come out quite easily but I can't get it out! Any ideas?
  12. Anyone know if mk 6 17" fiesta alloys will fit my V6, 02 plate galaxy?
  13. Hello again! At the moment I've got a roller sunshade on both the rear windows but they are no where near wide enough to cover even half of the window. Does anyone know where I can get wide sunshades?
  14. Anyone know where I can buy wide sun shades to fit the rear windows on a Galaxy?
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