Hi guys i'm a newbie. This relates to my grandads car a 2.3 galaxy 1997. He has a few problems that we would like to solve so any input is much appreciated: 1, Car starts and runs fine but when you turn the ignition off it keeps running and you have to stall the car then disconnect the battery to get the ignition lights off?? He thinks (but not sure) the car has a safety function where it will continue to run the engine if it has over heated to cool it down before shutting off, is this correct? How can we remedy it? does it need a new temp sensor somewhere or is there possible a wiring issue somewhere?? 2, The central locking doesn't seem to operate from the divers door. You can lock the car but then it unlocks all doors again. A bit of a pain as you have to manually lock all doors from the internal handle. 3, Recently the clautch slave cylinder was replaced, bleed etc. The clutch works but engages fairly low and the pedal is really soft with no real feel. Could the pressure plate need replacing as well? Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully some of you have had experience with these problems before. Thanks Matt.