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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford galaxy
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    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Thanks for the tip. Would drop links explain excesive play? When jacked up there is maybe an inch and a half play
  2. Hi 52 2.3 LX. Got a couple of MOT advisories on the trot about excessive play in the front suspension. Trying to get the nuts off the top of the struts but they are fused despite a long bath in penetrator. Also now noticed that the cups themselves seemed to be distorted so that the nuts have sunk. Anyone else had this? I read elsewhere that some play is normal at the top of the struts, but mine chatters and clunks continually even on a regular road surface. Any tips for freeing off the bolts? Obviously very awkward to get on them directly with heat or a hammer and rounding them would be a disaster. thanks
  3. Hi, I have just fitted a single electric fixed flange towbar plus a witter cycle rack mount (very much like that pictured, but single) to my 02 Galaxy and it DOES interfere with the reversing sensors. Any advice? I was thinking of disconnecting the middle 2 sensors to at least have the corner ones working... better something than nothing :) thanks for any tips... Pete
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