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Everything posted by geane

  1. Someone else told me that it could be the auto inhibiter switch as well but i just wanted to be sure from you boys that this part could be the one giving me the problems. What are the chances that it could be this particular part? VERY High? I don`t have the finance to take "pot Luck" if you know what I Mean!!! Thanks In Advance.
  2. I have a R-Reg TDI 1.9 Automatic and the problem is that when i try to start the car in "P" the car does`nt start first time(not always only sometimes, very moody)but If I move the gear stick "back and forth" and then try again it usually starts!! HELP.. I know it is not a major problem but it is still very annoying sometimes. Is there a Loose connection problem anywhere? Why is that if I move the gear stick backwards through all the gears and then bring it back to the "P" position it will start?
  3. Thankyou Very much Everyone.A Faulty Relay109 was the problem,put a new one in and its done the trick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been having this problem over the last 3 months On and off and it has caused be sooo much trouble but thanks to this great forum no more. A HUGE THANKYOU.
  4. Changed Relay109 Today.Here I go to work Today will report back if it has done the trick............................................ Which other Relays could I change which might be related to this problem??
  5. So do I get the "Fuel Cut Off Valve" changed? or the Relay thing?Its driving me nuts. The thing about the glow plug not reappearing when warm and hence startup sequence is not being instigated correctly does make sence to me. The thing is that I have to "Sit and Wait" in the car for the glow-plug sign to reappear and ONLY then Will it Restart! WHY? How do I fing the Relay to give it a Tap????
  6. Sorry Its 1.9 TDi-R-Reg and like wolfie said its the fuel cut off valve thats come on the computer as the problem.Could this be right?Is it worth going down this road? Fitted the Water Temp sensor but still NO Luck!!!!!!! Is this "fuel cut off valve" a separate part or part of another part?could this be causing the problem? It only does this, once i have had a 20-30 minute run in it. starts first time from cold.It WILL NOT start Until the glow plug sign comes on in the dash board and that usually disappears for the 10-15 minute while i am sitting waiting in the car,if that makes any sense. Why does the glow plug sign totally disappear(even though the car does not need the G-plug once its warmed up)BUT soon as the G-plug reappears in the dashboard the car will restart straight away!!! Is It worth changing the Glow Plugs?
  7. Starts 1st time in the morning but once warmed up car stalls and refuses to restart for approx 10-15 minutes(time getting longer and longer,it was 5-10 minutes)It is very embarrassing especially when I go to fill up in petrol stations.It will not let me restart after a quick"pit stop" at any local errand. Please HELP me.I have just ordered a new Water Temperature Sensor as someone thinks that it could be the problem. Some one else said it could be "Intermittent Feed to the Fuel-Valve", making it stall.Could it be by any chance?? Thanks In Advance.
  8. The problem is when I turn a corner, (sharp or not) the streeing wheal makes a creaking noise(Not very loud but low to medium noise) like when you twist a big rope. Do you think something needs oiling? Thanks In advance.
  9. Tdi 1.9 R reg. There is this Squeeking Noise driving me CRAZY coming from the front heater(air spaces) and the squeeky noise is just unbearable on a 3-4 hour drive. I have tried spraying WD 40 into the fan gaps and into any space where i think the fan is but no luck. Squeeking noise stops soon as you turn the fan off but i need the fan for my comfort so end up putting up with the noise. Please can some one HELP me to trace the problem( where exactly is the fan that is making this noise?)and what is the the best solution?
  10. Martin i can`t find where/how to get to the relay box anywhere? can you find the link or tell me how to get to the Relay area.all I can see is loads of fuses!Is the Relay behind the Fusessection? Thankyou In Advance.
  11. The one that controlls the glow plug. how do i get to the relay box?where abouts is it on this car? thanks
  12. Please can some one also tell me where is the Relay box on a R-Reg 1.9TDi?
  13. My Tdi diesal 1.9 starts Ok when cold(morning) with coil light coming on as normal but coil light disappears when car is warmed up after a good run.This coil light symbol will not reappear for aprox 5-10 minutes thus preventing from re starting the car untill a 5-10 minute rest. Went to garage and the fancy computer said the problem was "intermittent feed to fuel cut off valve" but somebody else on this site with similar problem said it was a faulty RELAY under dash. Are these 2 answers connected?please help me to decide which road to take. Thanks.
  14. No to your question. The glow worm just does not show even for half a second.If you do try to turn the engine over it just doest turn over.It just struggles like when your starter is bad or as if you are going to flood the car.But after a short breakl (5-10 Mints) the glow plug reappears as if nothings wrong and it starts 1st time! What about the gear box problem of shifting it back and forward and then it starts?
  15. Your glow-plug light, is it on all the time when the engine is running?No .The problem is the sign disappears when i turn on the ignition to get ready to start the car and i have to wait around in the car (5-10 min)until glow sign comes back and then it will start. There is a switch on the autobox so the car will only start in P. This could be faulty.? The car all so starts in N.The problem is it is VERY Moody,inthat sometimes it will start with no problems and at other times i will have to shift the gear stick backwords and forwards several times and then it will start in P or N. Help Please.
  16. Its a R-reg and its a galaxy tdi Automatic. It starts first time now and again but the sometimes i have to shift the automatic geer stick back and forth and then put it in Park and then it will start. The other problem is that the glow plug sign does not come on at all and i have to wait a certain amount of time forit to reappear and then it will start up .The glow plug sign (sqiggle worm)only disapperas when i put the engine off and then i want to start it up again quickley say after refuelling at a petrol stattion. Thanks for your interest.
  17. I have 2 problems at the moment with my Auto Tdi galaxy car, 1) When I turn the engine Over(on) I sometimes not all the times get a miss.I then have to get the aouto matic gheers to go back -forth about 2 times and this usually works.What could the problem be? 2nd)The glow plug sign does not come on after a short stop .The problem is that say I have been driving and want to stop at a shop for 2 minutes and I close the engine but then i can`t start the car again because the glow plug sign in the dash board won`t come on and i will have to wait about 10 minutes(sat in the car) before the glow plug sign comes back and the car starts.I dread going into petrol stations just in case i put the engine off and then it won1t come on . This only happens when i want to start the car after a short stop say like at petrol stations,pop into shops etc.etc Please Help ThankYou.
  18. I am having problems with having to top up water every 4-5 days but cannot see any water leakes under the radiater(?) area.Went to a garage but the man said radiater was fine.Please can any one help?
  19. Thankyou to both.Found out that under tray was missing!!!Drives ok now.Once again thank you.Saved me time and money. PS When parked up and steering is full locked either way hear a squeeking noise like a fan belt/pulley or something and only when steering is used???What do you think it could be? Whats the price of a pully/power stteering belt?
  20. Just wondering if anyone on here does recarpeting or knows of where it can bed done? If anyone knows anyone who can do it, that would be great.
  21. Mike Thanks for replying,checked the fluid level and is half to 3 quarters full(should it be right to the top?) Please explain when you say " aux drivebelt slupping when the PS pump is under load? Theproblem seems to come and go(one day it`s fine then it comes agian for a few seconds.) Plus it is worse when it is raining!!!What does it pont to mike??Thanks.
  22. Please can someone help/advise me on what could be the problem with the steering.When i turn sharp corners or sharp bends on the road the steering seems to lock or lose the power steering control.this problem last only for 2- 5 seconds but it does cause me abit of worry when i am driving.
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