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About Steven.Langdale

  • Birthday 02/16/1969

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia Auto 2000

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  • Location
    Chatteris, CAMBS

Steven.Langdale's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/8)



  1. How many miles has it done? regular oil changes? Steven
  2. Many thanks for the Help, Box is all sorted now and changes perfectly for the sum of
  3. Many thanks for quick response,so my guess was way out lol. The picture i have the is 1 sensor on the top near where g/box bolts to engine,other 1 is on top other end of box near output shaft,the other one is on the side of the g/box near output approx half way down. which one is poss the vss ?? It does not seem to be in limp mode as she goes through all the gears ok up and down,just changes at 4 k revs Can you show me the pics you have?
  4. Hello again.I have manage to get a blow up of the gearbox and there are 3 speed sensors,all identical according to friend all Number 11?? does anyone no what the 3 are for ??or which 1 tells the ecu when to change up ?? poss 1 for when to change up,1 when to change down,other 1 reverse ?? just a guess Ta Dave The VSS is (going from memory here) next to the right hand output shaft. Just above it. Of the other 2, one is the TSS that measures the Torque converter speed (going from memory again) and i cant remember what the other one does. Sufice to say, they all do different things. They are all used to work out when to change up/down. Any one failing could put the gearbox into limp home mode. Based on the diag error, I'd go for the VSS 1st. Steven
  5. Hello Sounds like a coil pack, unfortunately the best way to test is by replacing with known good ones. GSF do them cheaper than Ford dealers (or probably any Bosch supplier come to that). As for the coolant loss, check the header cap, aparently they can loose their seal.
  6. A worn ball joint on the lower arm can cause simmilar noises to knackerd drop links (Had both!) At least you can just change the ball jount rather than the whole arm like my focus ;) Though you normally get the clonking with that rather than something that can be felt throughout the car. Check for play in the ball joint and let us know. Steven
  7. This sounds like it's gone into limp home mode. Get someone to read the ECU, it's a VAG autobox in the 2.3 so i'm assuming in the 2.0 as well. Had exacty the same on my 2.3, but was intermittent, so was cleared after a restart for a while. It was down to a dodgy kick down switch. The switch is not on the floor of the footwell, it's integral to the throttle cable and mounted on the bulkhead. (top left as you look under the bonnet) Steven
  8. It may be too late but McGuard can supply you with a replacement key, even if you dont have the serial number of the original. Got one for (I think) 15 euros earlier on this year for my focus. I havd to supply a pic of the front of the reg doc and photo ID to prove who I was. Steven
  9. Hello When the CC is activated you do hear a little click from the CC unit - i think its behind the dash on the left of the radio. God knows how difficult it is to get at tho! Mine has stopped (and therefore no click) but as I rarely drive the Gal and the wife hates CC i'm not bothering to fix it again ;) Steven
  10. Is this the long pipe from the reciever/dryer to the expansion valve on the bulkhead? If so, I bought one of these from my local dealer about 3 months ago for
  11. Could it be the tensioner that they changed? Or the aux drive belt tensioner or idler - assuming they disturb this to get to the cambelt. I'm pretty sure Shell do make the correct spec oil for PD engines - but best to check to me 100% sure Steven
  12. To confirm, it wont turn over at all, rather than turns over but wont start? The non start is the relay - a faulty one stops the fuel pump from running and therefore pressurising the fuel rail. I've had the 5 beeps ones before - was a knackerd battery. I think it also indicates either a faulty cam or crank position sensor (can't remember which) the Haynes manual covers them both. Steven
  13. Thanks for the info, I thought it might be. I may take the car to auto box specialist for diagnostics as this has been bugging me for some time. I can put up with the gears but have problems going up hills as the gears wont change. Can you explain what you mean? Is it not dropping a gear you mean?
  14. You need to drop the sump to get to the filter. Steven
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