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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About mrjay15

  • Birthday 11/15/1978

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy mk1 2.0 petrol
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South West

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Plymouth, UK

mrjay15's Achievements


Member (2/8)



  1. Thanks for the replies all I assume to check the fault codes I need to take it to a Ford specialist, a general car repair place would not have the right equipment? cheers mikef most garages will have fault code readers or any auto electrician can do the job both will be cheaper than main dealer
  2. hi there i have just been out at the car again the wire is ver thick looks like the factory wiring ive looked at the fuse box and the fuse for the heater is missing and the part around where the fuse goes has melted so someone must of bypassed it before i got the car?? maybe the bypass wasnt done rite and part of the wires were touching causing the wire to over heat im not sure
  3. Hi all my car has gone wrong again lol i have a 1998 2.0lt petrol i was cleaning the inside of my car the other day and noticed 2 wires hanging down by the Accelerator pedel it looked like it had melted anyway on touching this i noticed afterwards the front heater stopped working so i moved the wire again and the heater started working again but i noticed the wires were getting very very hot so i moved the wires again and one broke off now the heater doesnt work i have removed the blower from behind the glove box to see if it had seized but all seems fine there moving freely all bushes inside have plenty of life left on them so i cleaned it all and put it back together rejoined the wire but they are still getting very hot can someone please help me with this as dont want the car to catch fire with my family in it kind regards james
  4. just an up date to this cv joints were all fine but i found the problem i had a VERY bad bold patch on my back drivers wheel about 6in by 3in i only found this when i had a blow out driving home one day but since i changed it no more rocking thanks for all your help
  5. im probably wrong but there is a canister inside the front drivers side wing that has petrol vapour pipes attached to it take a look at FAQ 32
  6. thank you very much might just take some pics n see if thy will put them in the FAQ thread
  7. Hi there i have a very bad smell of petrol coming from my car i can smell it inside and out side i looked at the FAQ part and seen a thread on this but it doesn't tell you how to get at it, it states inside the drivers side wing does that mean i have to take the wing off or can i get at it from under the wheel arch has anyone done this or had the same problem any help would be great kind regards james
  8. hi there i done mine today in about 20 mins best to go from the bottom on some ramps
  9. thank you very much i will get them all checked
  10. hi there im new to this site i was wondering if someone could help me i have just bought a 1998 2.0 petrol galaxy and have noticed that at slow speed she rocks the only way i can describe it is when u ride a push bike with a bent back wheel the thing is when i go over 30mph u cant feel anything kind regards
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