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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford galaxy 1.9tdi

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  1. Over the past two weeks the wiper blades have frozen on my vehicle a 1.9 tdi 110. After a short while they return to the closed postion. This has occurred twice the last yesterday morning driving to work in misty conditions. I had to stop until the wipers retuned and cleared the screen. Is this a regular fault, and has anybody a clue as what the problem might be or indeed had the same happen to them. Any help,ideas would be appreciated
  2. During recent months my Galaxy has developed a problem in that it is or takes a lot longer to start when the engine is warm/hot. I have owned it for about five years and has never been like this. It starts perfectly when cold. I have had a full diagnostic check which shows no faults. I have been told it could be something to do with the EGR or the injecton system. Any ideas? There is also some black smoke when accelerating.
  3. 1. Trevor 2. Essex 3. 110 1.9tdi zetec 4. Four years 5. Definetaly 6.
  4. I was advised to look for the diesel, more economic? Have had no problems in four years, and get on a long run in region of 600 miles per tank. Go for diesel if you can.
  5. I purchased a 1.9 tdi four years ago. When purchsed, the aux heater when cold fired up, but I also had a clicking/ ticking noise as well. I took it back to local dealer (Ford) but they said there was nothing that could be done ? Has any one else heard of this problem, if indeed it is a problem, I am sure the heater works okay, but should the heater make this noise?? Can any one help with this?
  6. I have just changed oil on my 1.9tdi. I was unable to get the filter off to replace. I have been told that the filter should be changed every time the oil is re newed. Is this correct. Also, can any one advise me of the torque setting for the sump plug on the diesel engine?
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