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Andrew G

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Everything posted by Andrew G

  1. Thanks Seatkid but the screaming all sounds fine not like a failure is about to happen. What I mean by it is a fan somewhere seems like it might be working really hard to get rid of the heat from the system. I think when it is hot it can't manage it for whatever reason. Today on the way home at 20degC I got fridge cold air all the way home, easily creating condensation on the outside of the windscreen. So it can cool when its a bit cooler outside. When I get trouble is when it is hot outside, 28degC on way home last night, kept cutting out. Then even working its ballbearings off the system doesn't seem able to dump the heat. I will check the radiator and connectors tonight but then over to the dealer tomorrow. I like the sound of the rear flap valve error, that might explain it if something has stuck or failed that prevents heat dissipation by the system. Thanks all, I'll report back if it gets sorted.
  2. I have the same problem in my 03 1.9 TDi Ghia Galaxy. The warmer it gets, the more useless the air con. The system starts ok and produces cold air. Then after a minute or so it gives up. After that I feel a small retardation on the engine as (i think) the compressor switches on and off over the period of about 30 seconds. No cooling though. I get no flashing on any panels. The system was very recently regassed by a good old main dealer and was in good order, but ever since.... no good. When I get out of the car with air con Auto selected a fan is screaming its head off. I have convinced myself that the system is unable to lose heat from the transfer circuit and switches itself off but then tries again to meet the demand for cooling. Poor thing. From that I wildly jump to thinking the fan is not working on the system radiator but that doesn't explain the screaming from under the bonnet when I get out. It sounds like everything is well, no bearing issues for example and when it does cool it is cold. Any ideas out there? I'm back at the dealer on Friday, when it's not going too be so hot :-(
  3. Hi guys, I'm still a novice with only 140,000 on the clock of my 03 TDi Ghia 130. Can you confirm that you are talking about the booster heater (under the left middle row passenger seat) not the aux heater please? (not sure I have an aux) My booster heater no longer works even in the cold weather. Definitely below 10 degC probably even below -10 recently but no heat from the booster. Maybe I could put some money in the unit every time I feel a little cold? I'll go and check the fuses now but I don't hold much hope.....
  4. Great instructions, gave me all the confidence I needed. Pictures good but can not really convey the awkwardness of the parts. The coolant bottle was not the main problem for me nor was the clip you mentioned, both were a doddle, it was the engine. In the end I used brute force quite effectively and the linkage all cam out with no hassle. That was the good part. I have one very important tip: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HAMMER A STUCK PIN OUT OF THE LINKAGE. Not a good use of brute force and very ignorant. I badly damaged the thread so when I finally freed it all up (use a vice to hold the moving part and move the linkage around it), smoothed it all out regreased and got it all back in I had an extra hour getting the final nut back on! :rolleyes: How stupid did I feel? Be patient, use WD40 and just wiggle the pin out slowly. It only took 5 mins in the end. Oh make sure the circlip is out of course as per original instructions. I noticed during the whole procedure that my trim had been damaged by the windscreen guys and they had used window goop to hold it all in place! I am now on the hunt for the two edge trims that surround the wiper mounts. Thanks again for sound instructions. I saved myself
  5. I had a full failure caused by corroded pipe on the circuit. One morning there was a lovely green glow from under the engine bay and no cooling in the cabin. The garage wanted to charge me a fortune for the replacement, but I was about a week inside the warranty period so at no cost. That shocked them! Since then touch wood it has been great. Even coped with a trip to Italy two summers back. Kept us cool all the way.
  6. Laboured? In fourth? my 130 tdi sits happily doing 30mph in sixth with no input from my right foot. Lazy driving leads to high economy! Fourth is a bit racy don't you think? ;) Handily fourth = 20mph for in town speed limits.
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