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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North West

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  1. like your website did try to reply on it but it just kept cutting off when i was typing a message.if you could send me the diagram that would be great my email is hartyfarty@hotmail.co.uk have been shopping and bought a torch too look as the pipes are in tight spaces aarrgghhh have to find a mirror as well as my neck won,t stretch down the angles
  2. hi thanks for quick reply its a 90 i know its early but i been under the bonnet and seen quite a lot of pipes with black cotton on so i might as well check every one of them.i take it they must all be related as there are a few here and there on manifold and plastic air sections?i have downloaded the workshopmanualbut it really doesn,t tell you anywhere near as much as on this forum.i,llgive it a go today and see how i get on.
  3. hi i,m new on here and after reading all the interesting post on power losses on galaxy,s i really need to try solve my problem .my car loses power but will slowly build up speed if you don,t put your foot down.if i switch ignition off its ok for a short while.i want to start the cheapest way up so want to check and clean all related pipes first.can any body help or give me some pics to look at?or even a bit of advice its driving me nuts aarrrghhh
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