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  1. Just the one if anyone got one lieing about. THanks
  2. Hi i need the center for these wheels please, off a 98 galaxy ghia http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v441/VWSaxon/DSC02448.jpg
  3. There was power going to both of the socket before i stupidly shorted it! I will try this fuse but i dont think its gone as i have looked at them all. Will let you know (again apologies lol)
  4. Its a Ford Galaxy R reg, 2.3 Petrol Ghia. Dave i have looked right up the top and there is a row down left hand side and i have checked all them and there is fuses in a colum below and they are all ok. Is it a normal size fuse or mini blade?
  5. Im sorry but ive slid the seats right out of the way and i cannot see any fuses or anything under the seats...going in circles here lol.
  6. Hi you should find it easier to slide the seat right forward that piece of carpet can come out I think its got velcro on one end you should be able to see in there clearly then Right i will do this tommorow, dads gone now. Thank you. Typical init when you just want to get on, spent whole afternoon messing about with this! Let you know tommorow.
  7. Thanks for doing that chris, is there another way to get under the seat bar sliding the seat back? I slid back as far as i could and there is a bit or carpet that is moveable and all i could see was the wire from the seat under there (sorry for me being annoying)
  8. I have looked, are they normal size blade fuses or mini blade fuses? All i can see at the top on the left is a row of mini blade fuses going down the side.
  9. Checked that fuse, all ok and like i said front one is still working, ah this is annoying, we're going to be using the rear one all the time grr
  10. I have a 2001 mk2 try the same fuse as the cig lighter The front cigar lighter is working fine. I will go check anyway.
  11. Hey ive just looked under seats, its an R reg, so is that a 98, would that make a diff? Yeh looked under seats but cant seem to see anything...
  12. Hey my dad has just brought a 1997 ford galaxy. Its got the 2 x 12v sockets in the back and i accidently shorted it out before and have obviously blown the fuse, i just cant find which one it is?????? I have looked in fuse box but all of them look ok. Please help :rolleyes:
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