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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by psvfitter

  1. Hi If its a D5WZ it definately comes apart, small torx headed bolts to remove back cover. Never heard of them being sealed units. You may find this link usefull for parts http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/dieselheaters4u&...:MEFSX:SELLERID Hi, thanks for the reply, its def a d5w z according to the label on it so thats great, all ill have to do is get a plug and change it over ;) Thanks for the quick and informative reply :)
  2. hi all, just had an issue with this auxillary heater on my uncles 03 plate alhambra, went into seat etc etc and was told it was this and that its either the glowplug or a complete unit as some of them are sealed??? I stripped it off the car this morning and must admit it looks like a sealed unit, these are bloody expensive lol, so just wondering if anyone can 100% clarify that the plug cant be changed before i tell him to go spend a few hundred quid odd on a new one Thanks Ant
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