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  1. defo go with the sunroof i had the same problem,i would also check under passenger seat the water collects there in the well,think your central locking and elecric windows electric box is under there so if it gets wet it could cause the windows to open and shut on own accord
  2. thanx very much
  3. thanx,so will the elm327 based obd2 reset my airbag aswell and tell me about abs sensors..thanx again
  4. Could someone please tell me which vagom if any will work on N reg 2.0l galaxy,and if so were is the best place to purchase one,,thanx
  5. i had the same problem,it was with the sunroof drain holes been blocked the water would fill the sunroof guttering,overspill and run down to the clock,the passenger foot well and under the passenger seat,a good clean with curtain wire and flush through then fix pipes wiTh little jubilee clips,,problem solved,for me anyway....good luck
  6. no nothing like that but is the return pipee to the expansion tank only suppose to trickle back in
  7. yes replaced thermostat,still no luck, is it possible i have air in the system,could that be causing the problem
  8. no still head scratching......will they both have to be working to register on the gauge.I can see the bottom one the gauge sender but not the top one is it visible when looking or is it under the thermostat,thanks
  9. HI,I have a 95 mk1 galaxy 2.0 petrol have just changed the temp sender that does the gauge,was wondering if there is anymore temp senders/sensors on the car so i can replace,thanx
  10. thanks,it must be the thermostat then cos the radiator hose does get warm,thanks again,will let the garage do it though cos im not that confident on doing things i cant see properly our get to properly..thanxs
  11. thanx for your help,could you please tell me were the thermostat is and is it easy to do yourself,thanx again
  12. A blocked heater matrix can be difficult to clean out, and there's a fair bit of work removing it from the car. Is the front heater working properly? If it is, the heater matrix is not blocked - and there's two heater matrixes on the Galaxy anyway, so the chances of them both being blocked are slim. In any case, any blockages in the cooling system would tend to force engine temperature up, not down. I would insist that he changes the thermostat and rubber seal. Deterioration of the thermostat seal is not uncommon, and can cause the same symptoms as a stuck open thermostat. Any fault with the thermostat or seal is often obvious once the old one is removed and inspected. I find it odd that he's so reluctant to change the thermostat, it only takes a few minutes and the insert type fitted to the 2 litre petrol is only a few quid - It makes sense to change it regardless, if only to rule it out as a cause of the problems. heaters warm up with car and produce warm heat before the temp gauge moves,after about half hour the temp gauge will read at 12 oclock when ticking over,heaters still blowing hot air as soon as i drive the temp gauge will slowly go down into the white and after about 5 to 10 mins driving the heaters start to blow cold air,where is the thermostat,is it located uder the coil pack on the right side or is it on the left under the altarnator
  13. If the engine is running cold, yes. just been garage,he said before i change the thermostat he would look at the matrix been blocked.but would that still make my temp gauge go down,and is it easy to unblock
  14. Could still be the thermostat passing... even with the cardboard, this weather could be pushing some very cold air through to the rad. If the temp. gauge rises up as the engine warms up, I would guess the sender is working correctly. would a faulty thermostat cause it to use more fuel cos using a bit more than norm
  15. I covered the front of the rad with cardboard and still temp reading cold is it possible the wrong temp sender has been put in,only it did not work when i got the car,the new one does go to half way after about 20 mins on tick over but goes straight back down when driving,i was told there is different temp senders just wondering if it is the right one
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