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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Likebrews

  1. Hi. Got the beastie running. Your information came at the same time as the owner called his mechanic in Brussels from here in Ottawa on his cellphone. We put our heads together, used a vacuum pump on the green marked return fuel line to draw fuel through the high pressure fuel pump to prime it. Had to bump the starter a few times to get the last few air bubbles in front of the pump then the engine started right up and ran smoothly. Thanks for your help, this has been kind'a fun in a way other than having the stress of holding the owner's vehicle an extra day because it wouldn't run. Bruce in Ottawa, Canada
  2. Thanks for your reply. Where does this pump attach to in the fuel system? Still can not find the fuel stop solenoid. Please email me back at brucebrush@rogers.com so I can read your reply in plain text. Thanks, Bruce
  3. Hi All, I'm hailing from Ottawa, Canada. I am a Ford mechanic. I replaced the fuel filter on the above mentioned vehicle. It started and ran for about 5 seconds after replacement. As can be seen in the clear plastic fuel line after the filter assembly, there are bubbles and when the ignition is switched on, no fuel is moving. I have since opened the filter housing and completely filled it with diesel fuel but that did not change anything but make a mess on the floor. It seems that the fuel pump from the tank is not coming on when the ignition is switched on. We have the Ford scanner at work and I can view some of the fuel system parameters. The one that bothers me is the one that says Fuel Start Enable. It never reads YES or ON. There are no warning lights on the dashboard other than Low Battery caused by me cranking at it. Battery has been fully charged. PATS system says a good key is in the ignition. It is like the system has been immobilized, but I'm not sure why changing a fuel filter could do that. I have changed nothing else that could affect the fuel system...I think. This is the first time any of us in the shop have ever seen this type of vehicle, usually working on domestic North American Ford products. This one has been imported by a European diplomat working here in Ottawa. We have exhausted what we know about getting a diesel running after introducing air to the system. A really big question is where is the fuel stop solenoid??? Any help offered would be great! I have no access to the internet at my work other than Ford websites and e-mail. If someone can help please follow my profile and e-mail me. Thanks ahead, Bruce
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