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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy
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    North West

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  1. fuses are fine so will check the wiring cheers the wipers go off instantly after releasing the stalk ref window reg is the 98 mk1 the same as a 96 ? i can open the boot with the key no probs just the central locking side of things cheers for the help
  2. hi all i m having a few niggles i want sorted with the gal first is the boot wont unlock with the central locking, the central locking wasnt working but managed to sort it with the relay fix and remove the control box completely, so how is the boot controlled and is their a simple fix ? radio was working fine but all of a sudden it has started to loose setting and radio when the ignition is off and the key is removed so has to be reset when i next turn it on the wipers don't stay on for a set amount of time when using the washers it just stops after i release the stalk and the drivers window seems to have a damaged cable the motor is working fine but it makes a horrible noise and stops or resets to original starting place is their a easy fix for this or is it just a new regulator needed and can i use the passenger unit or not ? cheers for any help
  3. It wont leak while there is pressure as the pressure with make the seal work better, while its at rest it will seep past, did it get so low you have air in the system? i think it did as it just went over night back area is covered in fluid so while the hand brake is on the fluid id seeping past the seal ? when i went to top the brakes up the first time when it went straight to the floor took about 500ml to fill it to max
  4. finally got round to checking the calipers and their is fluid on the rear caliper and the axel so it seems that thier is a leak their but on testing the brakes with a person in the car pumping the pedal their is no visable fluid loss are all the rear calipers on the galaxy/sharan the same though out the years or do they change
  5. right i have a 1996 2.0 galaxy that is giving me some problems with the brakes :lol: i was out for a full day and covered nearly 300 miles with the brakes fine (did go down a really bumpy dirt road) the day after i went to go to the shops and on pulling out of the drive put the brakes on and the pedal went straight to the floor with next to no braking at all also had a hand brake light up on the dash which i guessed was the fluid level i toped upo but the brakes have still not been the same with and i have topped up the system again with no change in the result i dont seem to have any fluid on the drive or road that i can see, also if the car is not running i the brakes dont go to the floor but takes a couple of pumps befor it is back to normal, if i start the engine with the pedal pushed in then the pedal drops slightly but then upon releasing then it goes to the floor again i can pump the brakes a couple of times to make it better but on release it is back to normal the hand brake seems to be fine so i guess i have shoes a the rear not powered by the fluid any ideas what too look at
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