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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy Ghia TDI
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    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Does anybody know if other "919 283" box will fit? Found a new Skoda unit for
  2. After 6 months of driving it (51' reg 1.9TDI Ghia Auto) I'm now thinking of getting another car... It's overall in very good condition but requires a prayer every morning that no warning light will come on... So far the aircon is dead (re-gassed it once just to realise it's not the gas); passenger footwell swimming pool syndrome, drivers wiper missing 4 inches of its travel, power steering belt tensioner (horrible noise), One exploded airbag in the driver's seat (almost killed me that one...) and now the gearbox started slipping in the top 3 gears. It's only done 85K and the engine is still going strong, interior looks like no but boy is this the most unreliable car or what? Warning light for "check pads" comes up every now and again (the pads are fine) and the parking sensors system doesn't switch off above 16MPH... So as much as we like the drive and the space, it's just takes too much time and effort to deal with (and cash!!!)
  3. Where is that MAF located, please?
  4. Same case here...pulled everything out, cleaned the corrosion off the circuit board, dried it all and now the sensors are working again. Still need to let the lining dry and make sure the pipe is not clogged or otherwise it'll happen again... Placing that box under the seat seems to be such an after thought...
  5. Lifted the carpet in the passenger footwell and it's flooded. Now, are the MFFB issue and the flooding/ PDC issues related to one another? Wanting to ask if I change the MFFB+lead, change the PDC and dry everything out, will I have a gremlin free car or not? Just wondering...
  6. First post here... After several electric gremlin-ish annoying issues (parking sensors playing up, A/C, brake-pads warning lights etc.) I searched and found this forum...went and had a look at the F box...yup...melted...Going to get a new one and a lead tomorrow (hoping that the nearby Dagenham will have them). Just one question (a dumb one I guess): Do I need to disconnect the battery? I am assuming yes but will there be any issues after that with re-setting keys or whatever? Only had the car for 6 months (51' 1.9 TDI Ghia) and I can't say it's been too reliable so far... thanks!
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