thanks for your reply being its just started how safe is it to drive or will it damage other things the reson im asking is cus i'll have to drive it to the garage
Hi all i've got a strange noise coming from the engine bay alternater area it starts making the noise about 20 seconds after starting and increases with engine speed and sounds like dry bearings and it's LOUD am i wright in thinking its the alternater or is there somthing else down there that it might be any help and advice would
As far as i know u can not buy the ring on its own you ave to buy the driveshaft end i had 2 buy 1 mine cost about 80 quid And the wheel sensor needed 2 be drilled out on mine cus it was seized in
sounds like the rubber cap on top of the shock in the engine bay has come off witch lets water sit on & around the top of the shock thats the squishing sound u can here had the same probs on mine
i had the same problem on mine it turned out to be the cable to the switch on the drivers door where it comes through the door to the switch hope this helps
Got in the car this morning after another rainy nite put my belt on and it was soking wet looked at the door rubbers all looked good does any u guys or galls ?know where it could be getting in
im talking about the other end of the glass where u ave a metal strip running down the full height of the glass i would add pic but not worked that out yet
wot causes your n/s front tyre on the out side edge to wear i,ve had the tracking done and wheels balanced, the other 3 are all fine no sign of uneven wear i,ve replaced bottom balljoint, droplink.shock,and the top mounting on top of the shock.