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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by ag-1982

  1. ok thankyou ill have a look in morning and let you know how i get on thanks again for the fast reples!
  2. I managed to get the front brakes fitted but now ive not no power onm acceleration sounds like something grinding from the back and the brake pedal goes straight to the floor and doesn't like stopping any suggestions will be greatly appreciated thanks
  3. thanks ill let you know how i get on
  4. just trying to push it in by hand maybe a lever of some sort or a clamp would do it what would you suggest? i just dont want to damage anything
  5. Just compress them back in, they don't need to be wound like the rears. I tried to do that but they wont budge could the caliper be seized on? also i cant start the car at moment so could it be a build up of pressure behind the piston? may sound like a dumb question but i have never changed the front pads before.
  6. I changed the back brake pads yesterday, and used the winding tool for the rear piston. Went out today to do the front pads and the caliper is completly different can anyone help me with this as need to get back on road asap. cheers
  7. yes sorry its a manual 1998 2.0 glx petrol
  8. over the last few days my galaxy has started to pull back a little as if it doesn't want to move, it revs up but doesnt move like it should. I haven't changed the brakes yet so not sure if the brakes could be seizing i just wanted to check with you guys first to see if i could get some help and make sure its nothing worse. any advice would be gratly appreciated. thanks.
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