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    sharan tdi2002

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  1. Hi, there is the 'PETER RUSSEK' pocket mechanic manual for the sharan, alhambra and galaxy (ISBN No 1-898780-37-4) for vehicles 2001 to 2006 as previously reported in posts on this forum. Look at ebay under vw sharan and you can sometimes find it there for about
  2. I had some issues with my 2002 1.9tdi sharan which needed fault codes looking at and clearing. I bought of ebay a usb lead (actually serial cable) and VAG409 software (freeware). It worked ok but was a bit limited so I had a look round and bought a handheld VAG5053 scanner (about
  3. Thanks for all the replies....have checked all the bits...still on! What's the best VAGCOM thingy to buy?
  4. Hi everyboby and merry Christmas! Have replaced the front pads but the dash 'low brake pad' light is still on. Does anybody know if it should go off after pad replacement or is it a visit to the VAGCOM man? Any ideas? Many thanks. ps does anybody have a VAGCOM thingy near Knutsford, Cheshire?
  5. Try this link for current auction for the cd's http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-VOLKSWAGEN-SHARAN...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. I know this forum is for Ford Galaxy owners really but have always found it an excellent source of help from the various contributers for the vw Sharan as well. I recently got the 2 cd ElsaWin pack from ebay (search for Sharan) and after installing it was amazed at the available info for the Sharan. I guess it is similar to the Ford TIS electronic manual. Much of the vw data is identical to Ford as regards repair procedures although there are variations for specific part numbers. For about a fiver it's well worth it and the exploded view diagrams really come in handy. Thought other forum users might find this of use. Thank you for a great, invaluable forum.
  7. Thank you for all the replies. Now that I know that I won't knacker the ABS circuit I'll give it ago!
  8. Hello everybody, the VW ELSAWIN electronic maunual says you have to change the brake fluid every 2 years. I gather that brake fluid absorbs moisture over a period and this can cause premature failue. Is the 2 years quoted to make you spend more money, or is it vital? My Land Rover is 30 years old and I haven't changed it yet (apart from the odd bleeding when I have chaged bits). My Sharan is 2002 tdi with ABS. If I change the fluid ar there any special pecautions I need to take? Great forum and contibutors.
  9. Thanks Ivor, mine certainly starts up about a minute or so after the engine has started and the noise stops after I turn the engine off (there is a very quiet noise after switching off but I thought this was something to do with the air con) If I waggle what I think is the aux water pump its noise chages a bit and it feels hot to touch after the engine has been running a while. Is the aux water pump about 75mm dia and about 110mm long. The noise very much like a bearing packing up. Hope this description helps.
  10. Hi can anybody help me (again!) I have read other posts about what I think is the aux water pump on my 1.9tdi 2002 sharan. It is postioned to the left of the battery compartment and starts up about a minute after the engine has been started. It seems to be making a low frequency whining noise which can be felt when you hold the outer casing. Can it be dismantled and repaired/lubricated or is it a replacement pump. Does anybody know thw part number ad where I might get hold of one? Is it a straight swop or do you have to 'bleed' the cooling system after fitting. Any help appreciated, great forum only place to get sensible answers - better than main dealers!!
  11. Changed the front pads on my 2002 tdi Sharan after panel warning text came on (still about 6mm pad left!). Initially the warning cleared but has now started coming back on again. Is there a low pad sensor on the rears as well as one on the front? Do I have to do anything else or do I have to have the fault code cleared (how!). Any ideas welcome. Thanks for a geat Forum.
  12. Thanks Ivor, does this mean it has to go back to VW agent for diagnosis or is there anything I can do. Have read lots on the forum on the dreaded MAF sensor but haven't read much about the throttle position sensor - where is it? Thanks for your advice
  13. Great forum and just what I was looking for since I can't find anything technical on VW Sharan. Can anyone tell me if the lumpy/hesitancy I get between 1500 and 2000 rpm on my 1.9tdi (2002) is typical. It seems worse whem warmed up and engine under light load. Goes ok apart from that with plenty of power and good economy. Got the TIS Ford cd which is helpful but no help in this regard. Any comments appreciated thanks.
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