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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 1996 2.0l glx
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  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Many Thanks for that, i will try that this afternoon if it stops raining. Will let you know.
  2. Can any one help: I have a N reg 2.0L GLX Galaxy. When driving at low speeds my galaxy seems to do a kangaroo action untill i give it some more speed. Also there is a strong smell of petrol when the car is running i dont think it smells inside the car just on the out side. Anyone with ideas. Thanks
  3. This is my first post so here goes. On my galaxy it was the drain off pipes that connect to the gully on the sunroof that had come off and were allowing the water to run down the roof and door seal under the carpet and in to the comparment under the passenger seat. Once i pushed the pipe back on it stopped. It a bit of a tricky job to do as you have to get between the roof lineing but it will fix it. Hope that helps.
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