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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. 2000 mk1 decided to open its windows last night and is now soakeed it does not have the module etc under passenger seat, but I notice boot open light remains on so I know global opening you can open car and all windows from the boot lock or door lock so common sence says my issue is in tailgate area wiring etc lots wires run through though as there is reverse lights, fogs, wiper etc, I really need to try find out what wires what if possible can anyone help?
  2. hi peeps the fuel gauge on the galaxy seems to decide on its own what to display, one min reading min then you switch off and restart and it will fly up to top of red, so basicly sometimes reads true and other times it reads about
  3. got it running removed no 30 relay and replaced then it fired into life, gonna get a new relay today
  4. turns over fine forgot to say the dash light flash on and off quickly???? is this an alarm immob reset needed or similar?
  5. batt was low so put abnother on and wont start now? keyfob batt is dead so i tried locking and unlocking the doors to set the alarm etc as i usually do ????????????????????????
  6. because ive done it many times in the past with other vehicles it really doesnt make that much didfference
  7. so they do bolt up ok then? ie a petrol box does fit to the vw diesel engine?
  8. ok so a box from a galaxy, does it have to be a diesel one or are others the same?
  9. hi ppl i have a 96 tdi gaxy with a box thats about to drop its internals so am seeking replacement what boxes are compatable? the engine only looks like a mk2 golf diesel engine to me
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