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About batteryboy

  • Birthday 04/01/1954

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 1.9Tdi 115 Ghia 2002

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    Work Work Work<br><br>Electronics, amateur radio.<br><br>

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  1. Hi Talisca. A year plus further on now. Still got your Galaxy? I've just sold my 02 Galaxy (to my ex-wife) and it's got about 240,000 miles on the clock. I've done all but 50,000 of those. It's been a good car. I bought a brand new one in Dec 06 (so it's just over 4 years old, and I've done 255,000 miles in that (I'm always on the road up and down the country, about 65,000 in a year). In conclusion I think the new version is much quicker and nippy to drive but not built as well as the old style Galaxy. Stay with the old one if you can. Best wishes. Robert Sherwood of Warwick.
  2. Hello I had this some while ago, and it was due to the feed to rear washer pipe joint becoming disconnected. It's ok unless the rear washer is used and you'll also notice a lack of pressure. The offending joint is located under the front passenger carpet, near the sill, and usually fills the front carpet with water, killing any electrics under the seat at the same time. In my case it cost me the parking sensor electronics box! Hope you find the problem! Robert Sherwood Warwick
  3. Am I missing something? an "02" should still be in Warranty - didn't you try and claim on it? Warranty or not - If this happens to mine regardless of age, I'll take this up with customer lack of services. It's done 109.000 miles so no warranty any more!
  4. Hello. Same happened to mine ('02 TDi) a few weeks ago. Had to tape up the joint just to make sure it didn't come apart again. The water ruined the parking sensor electronics under the passenger front seat. Cost 150 quid for a new control box. Now I've remounted the new one with spacers underneath so it's an inch or so off the floor in case it happens again. It's probably worth checking to see if yours is ok and dry. Best wishes Robert Sherwood, Warwick.
  5. Same happened to me on my 99s Ghia Galaxy. I had to use butt ssplices and bits of wire to repair and extend.
  6. My Galaxy Ghia front seats swivel all the way round.
  7. The fault on my old 99s 2.3ghia Galaxy was not the bulds, but a broken wire in the flexible loom between the tailgate and the bodywork.
  8. The remote locking / unlocking should be a totally seperate bit of electronics from the immobiliser feature. When you replaced the battery it sounds like the very tiny ignition actuator probably dropped out of the key head. It is black and measures about 5mm x 1mm x 2mm. The key should start the engine even if the remote locking electronics has been taken out. The solution is probably Ford to get another key!
  9. Gosh This is an old message. Have you sorted it out yet? On my 2.3 ghia S reg Galaxy the cruise control stopped working. I found that the vacuum pipe which connects the servo actuator module to the accelerator linkage had become cracked at the end where it pushes over the small pipe on the servo unit. I cut the pipe, refitted it, and it has worked great since. The servo is found inside the n/s front wing. Remove the front n/s indicator lamp and it's behind there. Battery Boy.
  10. Thanks Just tried that (for 15 mins) but it's still the same I'll take the seat and box out again this weekend to make sure the plug's in the right connector (just in case there's more than one, and I didn't notice!) Robert. (Battery Boy)
  11. Hello. You will probably find that there are some broken wires in the loom which connects to the tailgate. It will be the wiper park wire which is broken. It's not an easy job as the break is most likely to be inside the rubber concertina at the top of the door. Best of luck Robert Sherwood.
  12. I've got a two year old diesel ghia 115 and recently took out the driver's seat to install a Ford under-seat lockable box. It was necessary to disconnect the seat airbag plug from the loom under the floor for a few minutes, and reconnect it once the job was complete. Now I get 'FAULTY AIRBAG' warning whenever I drive the car. Does anyone know how to reset the airbag test system?
  13. There is a lockable metal storage unit which you can buy from Ford which bolts under the driver's seat. It costs about
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