Hi All Driving back from the shops this morning, i slowed down at a junction, shifted from fourth into second before cornering to the left. as i accelerated out of the corner, the old gal was all sluggish and felt as if she were about to stall.I dropped the clutch again and re-selected second as i assumed i had kept it in fourth by mistake, but no, same thing. Gradually she picked up speed but there was a red light at the next roundabout :ph34r: As the lights turned green, i shifted to first and.....stall!! ;) I basically had to rev the tits off her to get moving and fortunately managed to limp the 300 or so yards home. After messing with the gear stick a bit later on, i found that if i select first, second or fifth, the selector pops back into third or fourth position. It just won't stay to one side :ph34r: Anyone else experienced this and if so, is it likely to be a whole new gear box or something a little less major?. Any help would be very much appreciated. :lol: thanks in advance ~adema~