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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2001 Galaxy Zetec 1.9 TDI

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  1. Ok, thanks mate can anyone give any recommendations in the Sheffield area?
  2. How nice is it to have this mini heatwave and the sun out all day? not very, if the air con has stopped working i can tell you! I have a 2001 1.9 tdi with manual air con. The a/c button lights up but i cannot hear the compressor kicking in I've checked the fuses under the dash and they are all ok Anyone any ideas please for an air con newbie? cheers all
  3. Hi there can anyone tell me where to find the therm on my 2001 tdi i'd be eternally grateful if someone could post a few photos showing exactly where it's located and how to extract it i need to check/replace mine - it's almost constantly on cold on my 8 mile jouneys to work, even in this (supposed) summer time! cheers all
  4. Zorgman - how easy is it to change the thermostat?
  5. Hi - can anyone tell me where the front speaker is for the sensors? mine has gone rather quiet recently, not totally silent but just quiet but is still working I'm wondering if somehting is blocking it at all As ever, all help is much appreciated
  6. Hi all - just an update on my problem went to GSF today and got myself a new bosche MAF -
  7. I agree, it's almost certainly the impellar on the water pump - new water pump i'm afraid Mine went last year but i was due a cam belt change as well so had both jobs done together price wasn't too horific actually as labour costs dramtically saved by having both jobs done at the same time I think the pump is about
  8. thanks for all the replies as usual, this forum and its members. prove invaluable i disconnected the MAF again last night and the car is noticeably better to drive at the low rev range i am expericneing probles at - it just picks up so much better in all gears seems that a MAF is what i need do i need to take off the existing MAF to locate the part number?
  9. thanks would you let me know how you get on when you change the MAF?
  10. Hi all i've noticed a lack of power at the lower revs (upto 1500) on my 115 tdi The Gal is simply not as responsive or pulling as it usually does at those low revs As soon as it hits 1500rpm then all's fine and the think takes off as usual I ran it yesterday with the MAF sensor unplugged - that improved the acceleration and power at those low revs but there was significantly less power in the higher revs. My understanding is that if you have a knackered MAF then the Gal is so much better with it unplugged. My situation is like that at the lower revs but not at the higher revs - she pulls/runs fine past 1500 rpm It's as if there is no guts before the turbo kicks in at 1500 Anyine any thoughts/ideas please many thanks, as ever
  11. remap update! just got back from sunny Scarborough, where James at Chipboost remapped my 115tdi - probably nopw up to around 145 - 150 bhp and it drives absolutely beautifully it's a very smooth drive, but the Gal is more responsive and just eats up those hills in high gear for anyone that knows Staxton hill, the Gal flew up there in 4th and was eager to go into 5th (this is a very steep hill ordinarilly requiring a drop doen into third to get to the top) whiilst the car is quiicker upto 60, it's between 60 and 90 where you notice the differecne - the thing is jsut eager to acceleerate in 6th with all the increased torque i've had mine done because i tow a large caravan - can't wait to see what difference it makes to that I'd agreed a price of
  12. Just to sign off this thread, i can inform you all (or those that are interested) that i went with the change of water pump (and change of cam belt at the same time) turned out to be exactly the problem Mattdi identified - namely, the impellar becoming detached from the rest of the pump the new pumps are fitted with a metal impellar so hopefully, there won't be a repeat of this problem gal is now running fine again, with the temp refusing to budge above 90 degrees thanks to this forum, i was able to diagnose the problem myself and just used the garage to fir the parts cheers
  13. Ok - now had the stat changed - no difference!, still overheating under load Will now consider the water pump (together with cam belt change) However, IIRC, could the problem be the temp sensor? - is this the sensor attached to the bottom of the water bottle or is this just the coolant level sensor? how easy/expensive is it to change the temp sensor? look forward to receivieng your replies, thanks
  14. Thanks chaps I'm still confused though! If the pump, stat or (heaven forbid) head gasket are knackered, why does the car heat up to 90 degrees and not byond, unless the engine is put under load? - what keeps it cooled to 90 if the not the stat or pump? Also, why would it go into the garage yesterday, with the old stat in place and the heating worling fine, but come out there with a new stat but no heating? hopefully, this just opints to an airlock, but again all further comments are welcomed, please! cheers
  15. Morning all had an overheating problem recently, whereby the temp guage kept moving on up towrds the redline when under load - if driving gently/round town, etc, the guuage kept rigidly at it's usual 90 degrees took it yesterday for a new thermostat - guess what - now have no heating i'm confused, because the temp guage still makes its way up to 90 degrees ok and sticks there (i've yet to drive the car hard to see whether the overheat probles is cured) but no heating! i'm afraid i don't understadn the coolant system sufficiently to know why this would be to my little mind, if the stat is dodgy (i don't know whether it should be open or closed to work the heating) then wouldn't the temp guage either just keep rising (because it's not allowing the heat to be removed) or, alternatively, wouldn't the temp guage stay on cold/low as it's allowing too much cooling to allow the engine to warm up sufficiently? my confusion is, why does the car warm up to 90 degrees as normal but still no heating? if anyone could give me an idiot's guide to the workingof the coolant system, that would be great also, any ideas what the problem is? I'll certainly be taking it back to the garage for them to have a look but i'd like an idea of the problem myself, rather than just leaving it to them to determine i have faith in you all for the right answers! cheers
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