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About min

  • Birthday December 22

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    06 Galaxy 1.9 TDDi VAG manual trans
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    South East

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    Saving money by fixing Galaxy myself whenever I can

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  1. Hi Folks Sorry for the delay. I managed to isolate the No.12 fuse after about 10 minutes trying to get the bloody plastic cover off the fron of the fuse board. Even got an ex AA colleague of mine to help, and he had trouble....bloddy thing). Anyway, the smell is nearly gone now and I'll probably leave fixing it till the new year. What I'm after is where do I go for the glow plug? VW or Mr Fraud?
  2. Ok Folks Maybe it was for longer I know my hands were bloody cold by the time I'd finished, and come to think about it might not have shut down. Im just trying to get to the bottom of the smell of fumes in the car. I did run the car today, and the jet pack didn't fire up, even though I'm sure it was below 5 degrees Centigrade. Thanks for all the advice. I'll remove fuse 12 and have look at the unit towards the end of the week or at the weekend and then get back on line. TTFN
  3. Hi Chris Found the location of the fuse box, but still the question of whether removal of fuse 12 will affect any other systems as my Wife drives the car more often than I do. I wouldn't want anything to cut out whilst I'm not with the vehicle SWMBO would have a few words to say
  4. Hi Gregers Not vast amounts of of smoke when running (can't remember seeing any actually) No smoke coming in the car, just the smell of fumes when you first enter the vehicle, once the front fans are working the smell subsides. It seems to build up once the car is left standing.
  5. Hi Chris Bit of a dumb question and I suppose I could look it up, where is the fuse box? and will the No 12 fuse removal cut into any other systems? On the matter of the run on pump, turned all the fans off, can hear hum when ignition is on and engine not running. Opened bonnet and can feel pump vibration on cooling pipe by diesel filter. So, if feel that the pump is running ok. On the front of the intermittent Aux heater, I might better describe it as it was running flat out when I was defrosting the car whilst stationary on Friday and after about 5-10 minutes it seemed to quieten down as it had finished it cycle. It wasn't until the next day that I smelt the fumes that started all this thread. I think after reading all 36 pages (5 years) on the forum on this matter, that the most common fault is the glow plug maybe?
  6. Hi Chris I have an 06 Mark 2 Galaxy 1.9TDDi 115BHP. I'm back to work tomorrow so probably won't get to look at it till next weekend. I'd imagine that it will lock out and I'll need someone with a VAG-COM or similar to remove the error code. I work in the engineering section at the college and believe we've a 'MODUS' that might be able to do the trick.
  7. Hi Chris The last time i heard the 'jet engine' running was on Friday when I cleared all the snow off my car that had been standing since Tuesday evening in sub zero temps. It kept running though intermitently starting then stopping then starting again. I have never noticed any exhaust fumes when the unit is running (not sure whether that is good or bad!!) Then yesterday morning I noticed the pervading odour when I entered the car, but I haven't heard the Aux heater starting up since that time on Friday in the snow, but that maybe because of the higher ambient temp. Any ideas?
  8. Hi Kev I've just had similar in my 06 1.9TDDi 115BHP Galaxy Mk2. What did you do to solve your problem of fumes, was it to change the dreaded glow plug? Mike
  9. Hi Folks I've recently over the last couple of days noticed a strong odour of a fuelly nature when I first enter the car. I think it might be due to the Auxiliary heater? Is this a common fault and can I service the item/cause? All feedback welcome
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