Hi Chris Bit of a dumb question and I suppose I could look it up, where is the fuse box? and will the No 12 fuse removal cut into any other systems? On the matter of the run on pump, turned all the fans off, can hear hum when ignition is on and engine not running. Opened bonnet and can feel pump vibration on cooling pipe by diesel filter. So, if feel that the pump is running ok. On the front of the intermittent Aux heater, I might better describe it as it was running flat out when I was defrosting the car whilst stationary on Friday and after about 5-10 minutes it seemed to quieten down as it had finished it cycle. It wasn't until the next day that I smelt the fumes that started all this thread. I think after reading all 36 pages (5 years) on the forum on this matter, that the most common fault is the glow plug maybe?