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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy Ghia 2001 V6 2.8
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    South East

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  1. Hmmm :) When we first got the car, and I was googling the niggles... I kept coming across floods.. water damage.. flooded footwell... Also, a guy heard it idling and said to me 'Sounds like you have a damp engine'.... Also, the engine is immaculately clean... like seriously sparkling... we wondering if the bloke had pressure washed it and maybe got water in the ECU... Have we bought a car that was involved in the floods........ :)
  2. Hey Jayton !!! Thank You sooo much for coming out tonight !! :) I'm not an alcoholic, honest !! hehe !! Wine is my escape on a Friday night... although as you saw, my kids were still running riot, so not much of an escape !! Do you have a VAG-COM for children... you'd be onto a winner if you did !! Feel free to update on here what you found on our Gals reading.. let others know what a shed she is :) We NEED a diesel !! Thanks Again, you're a true Gent offering to come out and read our Gal, straight after work on a Friday night.. BEFORE your dinner !!!! :D
  3. Could be the hedgehog... (resistor)... we've had the same problem.. (see thread 'Heater Mystery' ). We tried a new hedge hog, but it wasn't that, so we have a new digital heater control box coming. I have the resistor still if you want to buy it from me? You can have it for
  4. hehe !! I live just outside Oxford, Witney... If it's too far don't worry... I can pay you in bacon butties and coffee while you and hubby go and play cars!!! :(
  5. you do not. didn't think so.
  6. That would be Fab !!! I don't know if ours has an AH though.... :lol: Would be much appreciated though, as today the engine management light is back on again.. along with a little yellow warning triangle with a circle around it ? I'm losing the will to live with it to be honest :( We've had the ignition coils done.. light still on... then camshaft sensor changed, then the light went off for a day. And now back on again.... grrrrrrrr :16:
  7. did they do a full scan or did they just scan the engine Ah, I wasn't aware of this. I would've thought he only did an engine check, as we never really went into the Heater issue with him. Thanks... need to get it read again... I do have a new heater control unit coming tomorrow, so I'll try that next. One question.... I've literally just been playing about with the unit. There is a fan noise coming from the little front left grill next to the buttons, which when I blow into it, it speeds the fan noise up... is this the sensor that was mentioned earlier in the thread?
  8. Got the car back today. Faults showed 2 coil packs and camshaft sensor. Nothing about the heating/cc at all... and it's still not working :/
  9. 2 Coil packs changed. EM light went off. Ran sweet as a nut over 1000rpm, but went back down to a chuggy idle. Light back on. Plugged in, and now needs new cam shaft sensor. Fingers crossed that that's it !!! We're at
  10. Cheers for the offer !!! Had it done today and all it showed were 2 ignition coils need doing !! Well chuffed... although, could it show something else when they're replaced.. ??? We've ummed and ahhed about that, but not sure which ones it would be... the dealer said they worked fine when he picked the car up... We don't have the book for it, and even if we did, everyone on here has said that the fuses are never where they're meant to be.... I'm typing this and thinking it looks really stupid that we've not checked the fuses !! :) :)
  11. I had it plugged in !!! 2 Coil Ignition faults !! That's It !!!!!!! Cat's fine !!! :) :) :) :D
  12. Cheers for that !! We are having it read tomorrow morning. I'll let you know what it says !!! Thank You to everyone here.... I'm slowly learning alot !!!! :)
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