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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy Zetec 1.8
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    South East

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  1. Thanks for this post, i've exactly the same problem with my tailgate cluster, anyone have any recommendations for bulbs?
  2. I had something similar and like chrispb123456's post it was related to the alternator area, I ended up changing the alternator and the pulley at great expense.
  3. Thanks for this, i'm beginning to have almost the same problem with my 56 Gal, is the multi block accessible easily and is it on the left or right hand side of the car?
  4. Alternatively get some "wiper refils" from ebay, i did and its a 10 min process and you recycle the existing blades removing/replacing the old rubber, saves you the ridiculous price that ford/halfords are charging.
  5. hmmmm i've the exact same touch screen, i suspect you'll either have to find a replacement unit (ebay, scrap) or try and find a replacement digitiser (that registers touch). By the way you mentioned fuses, on my unit the lights on the buttons on the right hand side dont illuminate, do you know if there are seperate fuses for this unit rather than where the car fuses are located?
  6. Hi, i had a similar sort of problem with my gal (i've a seperate thread about it) and in my case the fuel injector pump was breaking up and bits of swarf were found in the filter and subsequently in the injectors. After changing the pump hoses, injectors and a flush of the system the car is running like before. Although this cost me an arm and a leg its working ok now. I'd suggest checking your fuel filter to see if that has the same issues as I had. For reference my gal is on 95k miles.
  7. If you've ever had your car serviced by ford I believe they put your gal details on their mailing list. I had a letter to say a software upgrade was available free of charge. Once they took it in they also did their free "29 point" check.
  8. Hi all, i'm just posting to air my experiences recently and hope this may help someone else that may come across a similar problem. I've a Diesel Zetec Gal, 56 plate about 90k on the clock which had developed a small oil leak that was picked up by ford during a software upgrade. Also was the EGR valve warning. I gave the car to a local mechanic to address the oil leak and subsequently he advised the EGR valve to be changed too which I then also had done. I got the car back and the car seemed to struggle and was running real rough, going back to the mechanic he then changed the inlet manifold (which came with the EGR valve) and the MAF in an attempt to fix but no joy. Back to ford and they advised the fuel filter was breaking up and this would need changing and possibily the injectors (this was confirmed today). Least to say so far this is all costing an arm and a leg but I'm so worried that something else might go wrong in the future is it worth investing in a extended warranty?
  9. Yup I have it, I've uploaded here: megaupload.com/?d=QND5CG81
  10. I bought one from ebay was the Tonneau cover, just make sure the seller confirms it will fit the mk3
  11. I have a 2006 mk3 with the built in sat/nav I also tried the update disc and it gave same error. That said the 2009 navigation disc worked fine.
  12. Hello all, New owner of a mk3 galaxy and what better than to join this forum...
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