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    1999 Galaxy Ghia X 110

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  1. Hi Shabazmo I managed to get round this by replacing the front half of the waterpump only. The old waterpump had a slight leak at the bearing and a plastic impeller so i am glad i replaced it . However, having completed the job, I realized that the last nut is not as inaccessable as you might think - there is a gap in the bracket that you can put socket and extension down - what a fool ! oh well the job is done now and its always good to get the car started up again knowing you put the belt back right! - Just the inlet manifold to take off & clean next , got to be an easier job than timing belt and waterpump !
  2. Hi can any one help I have searched the forum but can't seem to find out how to remove the last nut on the water pump/bracket. Thought I'd replace it as I am doing the cambelt & tensioners but now I'm wishing I hadn't !
  3. I too have an oil leak that seems to be at this joint - i think it is the crank case vent pipe - looks to be a plastic connection fixed with two hex head bolts just above air filter area - is this a commomn fault and has anyone managed to fix it - is there an o ring that leaks or does the pipe leak ? Did Makil6 manage to fix the leak ?
  4. Hi All I've been reading this fantastic forum for a couple of years now and it's been no end of help. Thought i'd pay back with a small contribution heres my tip - If like me, you neeed to remove windsceen wipers to drop the likage assembly to replace your Pollen Filter, take the oportunity to Lube the Wiper Spindles with Motorcycle Chain Lube. I push the Circlip to one side - no need to remove it - and give a few squirts of lube. The Lube has a penetrating fluid that carries a light grease into the spindle and then evapourates. Seems to work on my 99 TDI. I just use a cheap M/C Lube from Poundland
  5. I have had this problem to - my drive belt got shredded to pieces. I gave the alternator detail to Volkswagon (028 903 026G alternator on MK1 GhiaX 1.9tdi 110 AFN) and they quoted me
  6. My Aircon started flashing while on holiday in france although it seemed to function normally no complaints from wife/kids even driving in 35 degrees still nice and cool even though we only have Single Cimate control not the version withdual control to rear passengers. Anway on return to UK I decided perhaps it only needed a top up so spent the
  7. Hi DelboyT I have done an oil change without ramps but it was a lot of bu*geration trying to get the cover on & off - you have to sort of hold it up with your knees while trying to get the bolts in - Anyway i went straight out afterwards and got me some ramps for
  8. Thanks El Dingo I've ordered Sump & Gasket from GSF -
  9. I've just changed the oil on my galaxy and couldn't believe it when the sump plug kept on going round. i have done about 4 oil changes on it myself and remember the first one i did, i coud barely get the plug out it was so tight , i also had to clean a bit of swarf off which i think came from the pan. Anway it has lasted 4 changes and now the thing is busted and ford want
  10. Cheers mm i'll do just that
  11. Hi Everyone This is my first ever post although i've been a regular almost daily visitor for the last 10 months. I've found everything ive ever need to know from searching the post on this terrific site and so far never had to ask any questions myself. Some of the banter has been great Anyway, onto my question - There seems to be a oil leak from the junction of the Breather pipe and air intake duct ( just behind oil filler cap) on my 1999 TDI ghia X 110 . The breather pipe is pushfit - although all other breather pipe joints have clips - should there be a jubilee clip on it or something? The last time i changed the oil i did over fill although I carefully measured out 4.3l, the level was still high on the dipstick
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