Hey Galaxy Forum! Got strange problems with my 1996 2.0 Ghia Petrol Galaxy; the symptoms might be related, might not! Part 1 - low speed in high gear at low revs, around 1500 - 2000, engine misfires under anything more than a medium throttle. I can drive around it by a low throttle (doesn't make the acceleration any better than it already isn't!) or by using a lower gear (and therefore higher revs). Part 2 - when coming up to traffic lights etc, if I dip the clutch and let her coast to a halt, the revs dip to about 600rpm. Sometimes dip to 500 or lower, sometimes dips to zero indicated and then pops back to around 1000rpm. Seems worse after a long run where I've been above 3000rpm for a while (at least this is when i've noticed it). It has only ever dipped and stalled once, but has been close a couple of times. Again, I can drive around it by blipping the throttle and/or using the gears, but this isn't helping me work out what the problem might be. Part 1 and Part 2 may not be related, as Part 1 has been there, more or less, since I've had the car (about 18 months), although it is certainly worse now than it ever was. Often when the car is cold it idles at around 1200rpm. Astoundingly, I only paid