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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy
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    South East

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  1. All fixed, and a bit of a red face! ish! Where I thought I'd checked the fuse (number 34 on my fusebox) - I was checking 33! The slot for 34 had melted, obviously there had been a problem beforehand. The fusebox had been bypassed, and was tucked up behind the dash. It was a bit of a bodge - two spade connectors holding the fuse stripped the wires and put a new fuse holder in there, new fuse and all working fine now! All that after dismantling the centre controls! Also noticed the fuse for the rear heater was missing, so put that in, and now have heaters all round. Thanks for the help guys!
  2. Thanks Kev The fuse is fine, made sure of that, but I will check the connections. There was def a burning smell coming through though, I remember thinking the car was about to catch alight!
  3. i've got the manual air con system - non digital. thank you tho! I've tested the power at the fuse and there is some. But there is no power at the motor. I haven't unplugged the resistor pack yet.
  4. Sorry to ask but is it likely to be the resistor pack? I've read it could be, but then again I've read that if it's not working at all on any speed, it's likely to be something completely different?
  5. Sorry if this is a repost - I did search but found nothing that really answered My front heater on my 1997 Galaxy Aspen has stopped working. I think the rear heater has too. No matter what setting the blower is on - 1, 2, 3 or 4 there is nothing. If i push the A/C switch that does not light up either. There is heat, the direction switch seems to work - and the faster I drive, the more hot air will come through the vents, so I know the heater itself is working, it just seems to be the fan, but it's the A/C power which is throwing me too. It worked on the way home, until I smelt an intense burning smell, and the blower just stopped. I've read about resistor packs, but do these stop it working on all settings? I'm not sure if it's linked to the rear heater - as far as I'm aware that's never worked, I don't know, that's not a major concern at the moment! I've checked the fuse and it is fine, so what's happened? Please help, at the moment i'm driving in layers, hats and gloves!
  6. Thanks guys! I picked it up last night, It's the Aspen model, so low down basic base model! Still it drives fantastic and even though I was in it 5 mins it's the first car I've had in ages that I wouldn't mind being stuck in traffic in! Might make a few modifications here and there though, but that's just part of the fun!
  7. Picked up my Galaxy Mk1 last night, it's an Aspen - so base of the base models! As we have a 3 year old, ideally I'd like to have swivel seats and tray tables. Seats I can look for much later as I'm guessing they're expensive. Buy the question is - can you fit tray tables to the seats? It would be great for him to have somewhere to play, eat his food and draw on! Forgive me if there is an obvious answer - I'll admit I spent 5 mins in it yesterday driving it back to my girlfriends as I only had temp cover, and no time to look over it further!
  8. Brilliant thanks for that! I guess I was worrying about nothing, but not having it on my drive yet, I wanted to be sure!
  9. I have searched and couldn't find, so I'm asking and hoping that it hasn't been asked and I missed it! About to pick up my Mk1 Galaxy, and I know that the centre middle seat has a broken seatbelt clip. These look to me to be fitted to the seat, under the cover. The red button has come out and the casing has snapped so there is no chance of fixing it, I'll have to put a new one in. Question is, are they easy to replace, and how do I go about replacing it? It is the middle seat with the lap belt, as opposed to the inertia reel belts on the sides. Thanks for any help!
  10. As I'm picking up my Galaxy tonight, I'll be selling my Ford Mondeo. I'll be listing it on eBay at some point but thought I'd offer it out first! It's a 1997 R reg, 1.8 LX model, in Burgundy. It is a good runner, having covered 110,000 miles. However I'm going to be honest and list it as Spares or Repair as there are a few problems, and the MOT is coming up soon. Problems are: - - Currently running on the spare wheel, front left (explain about that below) - washer jets not working - think a broken pipe due to freezing water (previous owner neglected to put screenwash in) - rear wiper not working - the arm just needs tightening, the motor works fine - handbrake pulls up a lot, could need new cable - doors are rusty around the edges, front doors especially - rear door will not lock with the rest, could be a central locking motor failure That's all I can think of that's wrong In terms of the wheels. It came with four steels that were beyond a joke tyre wise. So I fitted my own set of Momo Arrow alloys. However I got a puncture in the front, didn't notice, drove on the rim a bit, and now there's a bulge in the sidewall. This tyre will need replacing. However, I will include the alloys in the sale - they're not pretty (quite kerbed) but still look better than steels! Also, I don't have the V5. The previous owner hasn't sent off the form, but I do have the green slip. I bought the car in October last year, waited for the V5 to arrive, got the forms, but then christmas happened and now I'm selling, there doesn't seem much point! Price for new V5 is
  11. Hi all! I'm Phil from Essex - have just joined as I'm picking up my Galaxy tonight, and will probably need to ask a few questions! I own another car club, but it's not really geared to general 'how do i do this' questions. Plus I enjoy belonging to make only clubs! The car is a 1997 (Mk1?) Galaxy, and looking forward to having it - my last four cars have been total rotters so fingers crossed this lasts me more than a year! So that's it really, hi, and thanks in advance for any help you give to the multitude of questions i'm about to ask!
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