Hi Bobski Just re read your original post and noticed you say "the engine don't turn over" how did I miss that, relay 30 wont cause that, I think I would check out ignition switch next Thanks Chris :angry: Well after looking around this web site I had completely overlooked the door LED fault codes. If anyone is interested on how to solve this problem here goes........... When this fault starts the drivers door LED will flash very fast for one minuet, then it will give you a code to your particular fault, in my case it flash once, paused then flashed five times indicating FAULT 1.5. Now if you look on this web site at the Technical Section/FAQ's/ number 69 Door LED Codes it says........ Code 1:5 ³ Key not programmed into PATS control module ³ ³ ³ memory: ³ ³ ³ Programme Key(s) as necessary. ³ Just went outside and coded the key and all seems to be well, will have to give it a few days to see if the problem is still there. This fault code was just for my individual fault but will do the same for all other flashing LED faults. Just remember to wait for the fast flashing to stop after one minuet, then check the code it gives you here, (number 69 in my case)...... http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=7886 Hope this helps someone. :angry: Regards