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  1. Check out ebay, I 've seen them cheap their Search " Sharan Stub shaft", Or "Galaxy stub shaft" about
  2. OK So Car Went to B.K transmitions for repair. New bearing on 5th reqd to cure the whine. Also splines damaged, drivers side stub shaft, and short inner drive shaft. Syncro on 3rd (Now changes without a large clunk) Dual mass flywheel also badly worn, (Only done about 47k, It was changed by VW at 17 under a recall Car now 64K) Pitmarks also found on face of Concentric Slave Cylinder (Thrust bearing) Clutch plate, And Pressure plate changed (But only because you may as well do this not your this far in) Car now seems good, An expensive fix, but dread to think what VW would have charged, And my cars is worth it. Having checked all parts, And reviewed the net comments I am amazed that any manufacturer would ever fit DMFs, A poorly engineered solution to prevent gearbox damage. Concept may be sound, but better bearings/bushes should be in place by now, These DMFs appeared to be failing the same way today as they did ten years ago.! Would not purchase another car with a DMF Trev
  3. Thanks for answer, Went to BK transmitions , diagnosed bearing problem, and worn splines on drive shaft. Getting it fixed in new year, Will post result Trev
  4. This is my first post anywhere so please bear with me, 1.9TDI PD 2004 VW Sharan 130 bhp I have owned my car for 2 years, low mileage at 65k. (Was 39k on purchase) From the early days changing gear require care, if you change quickly you get a clunk, slowly and its ok, take care releasing clutch pedal and its sweet. Now I have a whine in 5th gear on deceleration. From what I have found so far this need sorting NOW It is the gearbox, I am sure. Its not clutch related (Thrust bearing etc) Any suggestions, or Any ideas of the cost if fitting a new gearbox.. What is likely to be the scale of the issue, I have always felt the clunk on fast gear change was likely to be a selector issue, But as like I say slow change the cluck and snatch issue does not exist. Any suggestions as to a good transmition / gearbox specialist near Basingstoke Hampshire Thanks Trev
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