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    Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia X

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  1. Just an update - idler pulley is held on by one bolt through the centre, very hard to get to and difficult to reinstall but it can be done with a little patience and bruised knuckles. Regards, Graham.
  2. Been down to my local main dealer today. The parts guy printed me off a nice exploded diagram which shows that the idler pulley is bolted to the accessories bracket which covers the front corner of the engine. Although no-one there has actually replaced one, they reckon it shouldn't be too big a job. Cost of the new pulley -
  3. Hi Guys, thanks for your help but it's NOT the tensioner that's bust, it's the idler pulley which is below the alternator and above the tensioner, out of sight behind the whel arch panel. I can hardly see it never mind touch it.
  4. Hi. Thanks for your help but on my TIS, there is absolutely no mention of the idler pulley.
  5. No joy with TIS I'm afraid. It does mention the belt tensioner for the diesel Galaxy but that's it. I find the TIS is a bit like trying to eat soup with a fork but mine is an oldish one.
  6. My auxilliary drive belt jumped off the other day. I refitted the belt and it has done the same thing again. A quick feel around and I suspect that the idler pulley has collapsed. Is the pulley easy to change? I'm having trouble even touching so I don't want to start on the job if I don't know that I can finish it. I've looked in TIS but I can't find any reference but that could be a failing on my part! 2.3 Galaxy, Air con, 1998. Any help would be much appreciated. Graham.
  7. Which switch did they eventually replace?
  8. Car started OK this morning! Not sure that that is a good thing though!
  9. Hi Redneck, Gave that a try but no change. After the door led has flashed for a bit, it seems to flash a code: 1 flash, long gap, 6 flashes. Does that mean anything to anyone?
  10. Pulled up at the shops today. When I came to restart, engine cut almost immediately, twice. Now it just churns over but won't start. Afetr reading through other topics, it sounds like a problem with the immobiliser. When I put the key in the ignition and switch on, the door led stays on and then starts flashing for about a minute, it then starts randomly flashing. I've tried reprogramming the key but it makes no difference. Anybody have any ideas or is it a tow to the local Fraud dealer?? :(
  11. What's the best price anyone's seen for the air con compressor? Dealer price is out of this galaxy (if you pardon the pun) and the clutch is extra! :D
  12. Thanks for the replies guys, still waiting for the pics. I always have 6 seats fitted so never get to use the tonneau cover. If any of you with the unused luggage net want to sell, drop me a pm. :D
  13. I was looking to buy a luggage net for my Gal until I found that you couldn't buy the thing except as a factory-fitted option as part of the versatility pack. I have the tonneau cover although I never use it. If anybody has the luggage net fitted, could you possibly post a pic of it in place as I'm curious to see how the upper fixings work. Hopefully this will give me some ideas so that I can adapt one to fit.
  14. Just bought a 1998 2.3 Ghia X 7 seater. According to the handbook, it is fitted with self-regulating air-conditioning which has controls for the front temp and rear temp however, there are no vents in the roof. Everything I've seen picture-wise, always shows these vents although another Ghia (6 seater) that I looked at, didn't have them either. Should it have these vents or am I missing the point? Or does it mean that it is not truly dual air-conditioning? When I start up, the air-con display flashes which indicates a problem but everything seems to work OK. Are there any checks that I can make? Thanks. :( GT40Graham
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