Thanks for the suggestion Dave. I have checked the coolant level and it is at MAX. level. I do get warm air though not really hot. I understand the red light can also mean a cooling fan fault? Would this mean that I now have a fault code to help diagnosis? As an update a local garage was doing a deal on air-con top up. I have just returned from the garage who reported they could not recharge due to a leak in the air-conditioning. They do not do repairs. Could this be related as it was one suggestion the auto-electrician made? They did not think so and suggested an auto-electrician as a relay may be the problem with the fan. So fan relay, fan control unit, other temperature sensor, other sensor or something else? I just don't know and nor do the local garages that I have tried.My initial instinct was the thermostat as if water was not circulating (thermostat closed) then engine should warm up regardless of the fan being on? Three different garages have told me it is the fan that is the problem not the thermostat but don't know why the fan is on.