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    Galaxy GLX
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    West Midlands

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  1. Thanks Dave, I cut off the plug and used two small spades as you suggested. The light no longer flashes so that was one problem solved. I have replaced the Thermostat and the engine now gets up to temperature so that is my main problem solved. The seal on the old thermostat fell apart and although closed the old thermostat could be opened with light finger pressure. The cooling fan still appears to have a mind of its own and comes on when the engine is not hot. Given the time, effort and expense so far without fixing this I am minded to give up and live with it.
  2. Dave, thanks for the suggestion. I found one of the wires to the sensor on the coolant bottle behind the battery was broken off. 1. A garage recently replaced the battery and the light was flashing afterwards. They said the removal of power to the ECU had reset the fault code and the problem was related to the fan. Looks to me like they disturbed the wire while replacing the battery. Not sure how to fix this as the connector does not look like you can take it apart but at least there is no serious problem. Looks like this is nothing to do with the main problem. 2. Fan was not running today so after a short run I checked the top hose and it was warm (not hot). The temperature gauge was still in the white cold area so looks like the thermostat is not closing properly allowing water to circulate to the radiator before the engine has reached temperature. I guess there may be a separate problem with the fan that is just aggravating the problem with the thermostat? Looks like next step is to replace the thermostat and see if this helps. 3. Is it possible to stop the fan working with the air conditioning while retaining fan function to cool radiator when hot? The air con has a leak it is not working anyway. I understand that there is a low speed and high speed circuit. Are they used for different functions? The fuse/relay locations do not appear to match the Haynes manual. Look like there may be three separate problems.
  3. Thanks Chris, I have been to three different garages to get the thermostat replaced however when each discovered the fan was on they said the thermostat was not the problem. I am still not convinced but then I am no expert and electronic control has made diagnosis much more complex. I will check the hose for warmth when it stops raining:-) Coolant level is at max and I have never needed to top up. There is no water in the oil. Air locks unlikely as the system has not been disturbed and the red flashing warning light only came on after the battery & clutch was replaced recently. Temp gauge shows cold and red flashing light is on as soon as you start the car so engine is not overheating. My problem is over-cooling. Normally this would suggest faulty thermostat or gauge sender unit. The gauge sender unit was the original diagnosis and was replaced with no change. The temp gauge does move from cold when at sustained high speed but not reach half way which is the normal steady state. I understand from LittleSole that he has resolved his problem with the fan but not with the over-cooling so these problems may be unrelated?
  4. My 1999 Mondeo & 1996 Galaxy both have noisy power steering. Mondeo for a good year & not really getting any worse. Only really noticeable when parking so not a big issue for me. My local garage suggests live with it as only worth replacing if not working/leaking given age. As an aside I was also living with a noisy clutch (pedal depressed) on Galaxy before the hydraulic seal went covering the clutch in fluid. Good job I had not replaced the clutch release bearing earlier!
  5. Alternator, Power Steering and Water Pump all run from the auxiliary drive belt so looks like the problem.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion Dave. I have checked the coolant level and it is at MAX. level. I do get warm air though not really hot. I understand the red light can also mean a cooling fan fault? Would this mean that I now have a fault code to help diagnosis? As an update a local garage was doing a deal on air-con top up. I have just returned from the garage who reported they could not recharge due to a leak in the air-conditioning. They do not do repairs. Could this be related as it was one suggestion the auto-electrician made? They did not think so and suggested an auto-electrician as a relay may be the problem with the fan. So fan relay, fan control unit, other temperature sensor, other sensor or something else? I just don't know and nor do the local garages that I have tried.My initial instinct was the thermostat as if water was not circulating (thermostat closed) then engine should warm up regardless of the fan being on? Three different garages have told me it is the fan that is the problem not the thermostat but don't know why the fan is on.
  7. Hi LittleSole, did you ever resolve your problems? Here are mine with a 1996 FORD GALAXY 2.0 GLX: The engine has been running cold = the temp gauge on the display never shows warm & only moves of cold at motorway speed. Garage replaced the "faulty" temp sender to the gauge but made no difference. Asked different garage to check/replace thermostat however they reported the radiator cooling fan running at all times was the cause so suggested an auto-electrician. I was using ECON mode with climate control so air con should be off. Auto-electrician report no fault codes on ECU or faulty sensors so much expense and no idea how to resolve. Recently red warning light also flashes above temp gauge.
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