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    2003 Ford Galaxy 1.9LX TDI
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    North East

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  1. Hi all. Dally - did you manage to sort out this problem because I am in a similar situation. I have just bought a passenger arm rest from eBay and while my driver side is the same as yours, and the fitting for both seats fit this, the new passenger side arm rest I have received has the large spigot attachment. Can you give me any advice on how to get round this? Cheers
  2. Cheers for that Rusty, I'll try and get some FIAM ones. 3/4 inch would be just sweet.
  3. mine wasnt but parking sensors i bought off ebay came with a hole saw so i could place them slightly away from the tow bar Did you fit them in the centre of the bumper? I have attempted this but the bumper bar is in the way, the sensors are too deep to push in :25:
  4. So, I invested in a parking sensor kit and attempted to fit them yesterday. I removed the bumper and after drilling the first hole realised that I have a problem. The sensor is around 1 and a quarter inches deep and as the bumper bar sits about an inch behind the plastic cover, the sensor will not sit flush. Wish I had fitted them to the base of the bumper and not the centre now :25: Anyone know where I can get some super shallow sensors from or else I will be fitting the centre sensors lower than the outer ones.
  5. So I decided to fit the parking sensors today, this did not go well. I managed to remove the bumper quite easily but once I had marked up and drilled the first two holes, I realised that the sensors are about an inch and a quarter deep, and the bumper cover sits just an inch proud of the bumper bar. Thus the sensors will not push completely into the bumper. So I either need some advice from anyone else who has had this problem or need to find some shallower sensors. Any help is greatly appreciated as always.
  6. Is the glow plug in the heater the same as the ones in the engine and those that are in abundance on eBay, or different?
  7. The heater sounds like it is working but on checking the exhaust pipe from the unit, there is nothing coming out. I will wait for the weather to improve and then attempt the glow plug change as you suggest. Thanks nandj Anyone have any suggestions on where I can acquire said glow plug from, or is eBay the best bet?
  8. There is a fan noise when I switch the unit on from the dash. Air is blowing from the vents in the rear footwell, this air is cold. There is no smoke coming from the undercarriage or rear wheel arch areas.
  9. No jet engine noise. And when I use the aux heater, it works but takes an age to get warm. I assumed that this is the same air pumped from the front, I'll make the checks you mentioned nandj, cheers
  10. I left my Galaxy 1.9TDI running for half an hour this morning to try and get the cabin warm before putting my two babies in, but even after thirty minutes, the temp guage was below 50 and the blowers were still luke warm. Is there something wrong or is this because its a diesel, this is the first I have owned. i have noticed that the cabin heats up ok when I am traveling, although it still takes a while.
  11. Turns out the problem was the engine loom and nothing to do with the pollen filter job. That's me another
  12. I've had it into the garage and they seem to think its the loom into the engine causing an injector misfire :46: Fingers crossed its not too dear.
  13. Can you pm me your number and I'll call you tomorrow evening if thats ok. What colour is it and which side?
  14. :( Yeah, it's pretty nasty but the only one I could find. I reckon new arm rests are the way to go. Gonna try and get some new ones, I am preparing myself for a shock when I enquire at my local Ford dealer tomorrow :( Nice site btw Mirez, the tutorials are quality. Might try some of those once I sort out these arm rests.
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