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Everything posted by spanny

  1. Thanks for coming back Daniel. I can't figure out how it can be the parts, as on occasion it's fine, like this weekend all gears were fine, hardly ever had any probs getting first or reverse, and ultimately, no probs getting out of gears. Neither did I experience the drag. However now it's back to its old self again! I rang Eurocar parts and they agreed to refund on old parts if i send them all back, but I had to buy all new bits again-
  2. Afternoon Guys, We came across a bit more information on the dreaded pulsing pedal and clutch creep when we got back shortly after the christmas break. We found out that on the 6 speed box, the input shaft can have some play in it, this one reported was around 1/2 an inch of forward and backward movement. Obviously if this is the case, regardless of if the clutch pedal is fully depressed, if the input shaft is moving forwards and backwards its going to cause the clutch to be engaging. Were going to be looking in this area, and see if we can pin point this as being the problem. After looking on Elsawin + ETKA at the drawings of the 5 + 6 speed boxes on the sharan / Alhambra's there is a roller taper bearing on the input shaft (inside the housing of the box) and we also came across info about shimming this taper roller bearing i presume to compensate for any wear? I'm guessing if the bearing isnt shimmed correctly or sufficiently then this could cause the problems. Once we have more info ill get back to you all. Regards Daniel
  3. Hi matey, Like i said above, i work for a world leading DMF manufacturer.... our DMF will be on your vehicle. I cant send you a link to the video as im at work at present, but go onto youtube and type in dual mass flywheel. There is a good video on there which explains/demonstrates how a dmf works. Basically a stanadard drive plate with the springs in them (Torsion Damper) has a maximum deflection of around 20 degrees, a DMF has maximum deflection of around 60 degrees so you get alot more damping from a DMF for the same curcumference of the clutch driven plate. Of course you can put bigger springs into the drive plate, but this then eats in to the contact area of the clutch lining. Regards Daniel
  4. Hi guys, this clutch creep and pedal loss your getting is going to be down to the hydraulics... Clutch clearance on a modern day clutch is 1.5mm approx and if you have air in the system then your not going to be disengaging the clutch correctly. I work for a leading Clutch + DMF supplier.... i wont say who but i know the problems your experienceing as we see them back occasionally alot, and when we test the clutch for clutch clearance they are to OE specification On these vehicles there is a bleed valve (T piece with a nipple on) which has a valve in there... dependent on mileage / use of the vehicle im thinking this valve can become faulty, allowing fluid to return to the reservoir before you have re engaged the clutch. With regards to dirty fluid, this can cause contamination in the system so it is advised to flush the whole system, inc the brake lines aswell and hopefully this should cure the problem. Like i said we are looking into this and trying to get out to a garrage at some point next year to see if we can resolve the problem and get some technical articles out on how to resolve the issue. Regards Daniel
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