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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    2003 Galaxy MKII TDi Zetec 115BHP
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South East

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  • Interests
    Wave Surfing

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Member (2/8)



  1. Yeah saw that but it is an earlier model.
  2. Hi. Has anyone got a picture that shows how the clip fits on a 2003 model? Thanks.
  3. Thanks, that's the one. Got it at £6.99 from Hafords.
  4. Hi. I have a 2003 galaxy tdi. I would like the details of the tool that removes the black plastic oil filter cap. I have measured 74mm across flats but don't have the car with me to check the number of flats. I have tried a strap wrench but the cap won't budge. Thanks Glenn
  5. Formula 1 gave me a quote of
  6. I thought my 1.9 diesel was just ready for a cam belt change but my local ford dealer wants to charge me
  7. I hope you've gone back to them and complained. A 130 would have been valued at more than a 115 so you should expect some money back! (For an 03 2003 Zetec with 50,000 miles, Parkers value the 115 at
  8. My V5 states: Variant AUY1 Version 7A Q Does that definitely mean it is 115 ps?
  9. Are you saying that a Ford Dealer lied to you :lol: Either that or was mistaken. 130 ps was a definite bonus as far as I was concerned.
  10. Hi. It's 115 then. :P Thanks for the info anyway.
  11. The Ford dealer sold me the car as a 130 ps TDi but when I gave my registration to the parts department today they told me it was only 115 ps. Is there a code within the engine number or something that can tell what the car actually has?
  12. Ahh. Now it's making sense. Thanks for the info. Anyone have the correct numbers for the front pads?
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