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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

VeeDub Nutter

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    '98 Sharan Tdi Sport

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  1. did you get time to see if they would fit a mk1? they look really cool, just what i'm looking for.
  2. Wow, thats the spirit! Hope the following helps? Seats - yes they are interchangeable, I have 1 fitted in my Shazza with no mod's needed either. Pop-out rear windows are exactly the same motors & trim panels, so can also be changed (i've done this also.) If i find anything else i'll let you know! it'd be worth trying to get a copy of ETKA, you can then cross reference parts to see what could be interchangeable. Best of luck. :unsure:
  3. When I fitted the Cruise Control to my car the wiring connections were near to the new switch along the top end of the steering column.
  4. Is there any kind person out there that has a haynes manual, & could scan the page with the wiring diagram for the heated windscreen relay please? I'm struggling to understand the VW & Ford current flow diagrams. With this last piece of info, i should be able to get everything working (fingers crossed!). :rolleyes:
  5. VR6 - Thanks for all your help so far, you've been a star! El Dingo - cheers for info' looks very useful, i should be able to get it all working soon. :( :( :lol:
  6. Hi VR6! The loom differences makes sense now, That'll be why the relay housing does not fit into the relay board. Thanks.
  7. But my car is a MK1. :) things don't seem very promising... :lol:
  8. looks cool to me. :lol:
  9. Here are some pics of the fusebox as well. fusebox front fusebox 2nd level fusebox 2nd level reversed fusebox 3rd level
  10. I've had another look this evening, & it still makes no sense to me. Please see pic's attached. Where do these go? Where does this go? I'm very confused now. all help appreciated... :lol: :lol:
  11. Cheers for help & advice so far. I should get a few mins this weekend to go scrabbling under the dash, if i still have no luck working it out, then i'll post as many pic's as i can.
  12. Hi Gooner52. Cheers for the fast rsponse. Thats where i thought it should be, but i only have the ETKA CD. i could still do with some wiring diag's if anyone has them? :angry:
  13. Hi All. I've almost finished my latest retrofit project. I've had a heated windscreen fitted, installed the switch, bought the required loom & relay from VW, & attempted to install the loom. I've run the loom under the dash & connected the fittings to both sides of the screen, & connected the relay. Now i still have a 3way multi connecter to attach (not too sure where to) & 3 single wires that might go into the fusebox, but i'm not sure. Problem is, i cant find a wiring diagram so i can finish plugging it all in. Has Anyone done this before & can offer advice, or post the required diagram or pic's? please. Thanks in advance.
  14. Ecotek - I bought one, and fitted it to my 1.8 Golf a few years ago. In hindsight i must have been blinded by the advertising, cos it made no difference to the performance or the economy! The only thing it did achieve was to add a little hiss when you took your foot off the gas. In my humble opinion save your money. :D :D :D
  15. That sounds about right. Although If i remember correctly you might need to run an additional cable, seem to recall seeing this mentioned before, especially with the MK2. best of luck! :D
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